

2016-09-17    04'48''

主播: 海边落落~

362 9

欢迎加入学习交流群564812874获取更多学习资料并和落落老师互动交流哦~ 听力原文: 三、听下面的短文,回答16-20小题。从题中所给的A、B、C、三个选项中选出最佳选项。 读两遍。 There is a new shopping mall near Mr Black’s home. There are three floors. Today Mr Black and her children are shopping there. Mr Black and her son Eric are now on the ground floor, Eric is looking for a basketball. He wants his mother to buy one for him. Millie , Mr Black’s daughter is standing in a music shop on the first floor. She is listening to music, David, the little son, is walking to a fast food restaurant on the top floor. He wants to buy some hamburgers. It’s time for lunch!