822 Miss polly had a dolly 英文儿歌选集

822 Miss polly had a dolly 英文儿歌选集

2017-10-22    02'32''

主播: 小金鱼说

9760 34

Miss Polly had a dolly Who was sick,sick,sick. 宝丽小姐有个洋娃娃,有一天,娃娃生病了. So she phoned for the doctor to be quick,quick,quick. 宝丽小姐打电话给医生,让医生快快来. The doctor came with his bag and his hat. 医生拿上他的包和帽子. And he rapped on the door With a rat-a-tat.tat. 关上房门匆匆赶来. He looked at the dolly And he shook his head. 他看着娃娃摇摇头.说,“宝丽小姐, The he said," Miss Polly, Put her siraight to bed. 把她放到床上吧. He wote on the paper for a pill,pill,pill; 他在纸上写下药方; I&`&ll be back in the morning with the bill,bill,bill." 说他明天早上会带着药来." And he rapped on the door With a rat-a-tat.tat. 关上房门匆匆赶来. He looked at the dolly And he shook his head. 他看着娃娃摇摇头.说,“宝丽小姐, The he said," Miss Polly, Put her siraight to bed. 把她放到床上吧. He wote on the paper for a pill,pill,pill; 他在纸上写下药方; I&`&ll be back in the morning with the bill,bill,bill." 说他明天早上会带着药来."