Baby Dear is my brand-new baby doll.
Daddy brought her to me on a very special day.
It was the day he brought Mommy and our new baby home from the hospital.
Mommy loves her baby.
And I love mine.
We give our babies their bottles.
Then we pat their backs to bubble them.
Mommy changes her baby.
And I change mine.
Mommy bathe her baby.
And I bathe Baby Dear.
We play little piggy with their little pink toes.
We dress our babies in their bonnets before we take them out.
Mommy has a carriage for her baby.
And I have one for Baby Dear.
We go walking together with our babies.
Mommy's baby sleeps in the little white bed that used to be mine.
My baby sleeps in a cradle all her own.
Mommy has a book for her baby and I have one for Baby Dear.
We write things in our books about our babies.
Mommy sings to her baby and I sing to mine.
We smile at our babies and talk to them.
Mommy says this is the way our babies know they are the most wonderful babies in the world.
Sometimes Mommy lets me hold her baby.
Mommy's baby is my baby sister.
When my baby sister is a big girl I will let her hold Baby Dear.