

2017-04-13    08'17''

主播: Elaine娴

1893 26

口语相关表达   watering 流口水的、流眼泪的 This steak smells so nice, my mouth is watering. 这个牛排闻起来不错,我的口水都要流出来了 I am moved by this movie and my eyes are watering now. 我被这个电影打动了,我的眼睛都湿润了   couldn’t live without it 没有它我活不了(比喻重要性) I have to say I couldn’t live without chilli peppers. 我不得不说 我离开辣椒简直活不了啊   light 清淡的 bland (食物)淡而无味的 I’d like something light and healthy. 我喜欢清淡健康的东西 Well, perhaps sushi would be the best choice. 这样的话,或许寿司是最佳的选择   make sense 有道理 说得通 What he said makes sense. 他说得挺有道理的   your eyes are bigger than your stomach. 眼大肚皮小 Your eyes are always bigger than your stomach, we won’t finish them all. 你总是眼大肚皮小,我们根本吃不完   piss sb off 让某人生气 get back on sb 报复某人 You really pissed me off, I’ll get back on you someday. 你真的把我惹毛了,我总有一天会报复   freak sb out 吓坏我了 This movie freaked me out. 这个电影真是吓坏了   let go of 放手…… move on 继续前进 You should let go of the past, it’s time to move on. 你应该放手过去,该继续前进了   backup plan 后备计划 Maybe we should have a backup plan. 或许我们应该有个后备计划   make a difference 产生差别 If you want to make a difference in your life, you should follow your heart. 如果你想要你的人生与众不同,你应该要跟随你的心     I’ll see what I can do. 我尽力而为吧 He has gotten into trouble, can you help him? 他有麻烦了,你能帮助他吗? Well, I’ll see what I can do. 好的,我尽力而为吧   Sounds like fun! 听上去挺有意思的 Any plans for holiday? 假期有什么计划吗? Maybe we can go to Disneyland. 或许我们能去迪士尼 Wow, sounds like fun! 哇 听上去挺有意思的   get sb 打垮我 I will not let these things get me, I just don’t care what other people say about me. 我才不会让这些事情打垮我呢,我就是不在乎别人怎么说我的