

2017-04-21    09'21''

主播: Elaine娴

1816 19

口语相关表达   live as the way you want 以想要的方式去生活 I just want to live as the way I want, I don’t care about what other people say about me. 我只是想以我想要的方式生活,我不在乎别人说我什么。     in a bigger picture 从长远来看 In a bigger picture, the internet will change people’s life style in many ways. 从长远来看,互联网将会在很多方面改变人们的生活   I can’t tell you how+形 it is to do sth 我无法告诉你……是有多么的…… I can’t tell you how exciting it is to go snorkeling. 我无法告诉你浮潜是多么的刺激   it’s all about____一切都是在与…… Shooting photos is all about timing and angles 拍照一切都在于时机和角度   put on the brave face 呈现勇敢的一面 Mothers always put on the brave face and take care of children. 母亲们总是呈现勇敢的一面并且照顾好孩子   see how far I can go  看看我能走多远 I just want to try my best and see how far I can go. 我只是想要尽我所能,看看我能走多远   grab a quick bite 赶快找点吃的吧 I’m starving right now, I feel like I can eat a horse. Let’s grab a quick bite. 我现在饿极了,我觉得我能吃得下一匹马,咱们赶快找点吃的吧   what’s your point? what do you mean? what’s your point? 你说的是什么意思啊? I just don’t get it. 我没明白呢     work out 健身 I’ve been working out for a month, I feel I lost so much weight. 我已经健身一个月了,我觉得我减重很多 Good for you. 太棒了   work out 行得通 有结果 It’s not gonna work out, perhaps you should deal with it. 这是行不通的,或许你应该直面它   pull yourself together 你得振作起来 Pull yourself together, everything is gonna be fine, it’s time to move on. 你得振作起来,一切都会好的,是时候该继续前进了   I knew it! 我早就知道 I told you! 我早就告诉过你的 My girl friend is breaking up with me, what should I do? 我女朋友在跟我分手呢,我该怎么办啊? I knew it! 我早就知道 I told you! she is not that kind of girl that you will marry. 告诉过你吧,她不是那种你会结婚的女孩