

2017-06-01    07'18''

主播: Elaine娴

1732 22

口语相关表达   ask sb out 约某人出来 If you like her, why don’t you ask her out? 你如果喜欢她,为什么不约她出来呢?   I would …… If I were you 如果我是你,我会…… You have a crush on Lucy? I would ask her out if I were you. 你喜欢Lucy? 如果我是你,我会约她出来   problem solved 问题解决了 Things are different, he doesn’t love me any more. 一切都不同了,他不再爱我了 Well, just let go of it and move on, problem solved. 放手并且向前看,问题就解决了   Could sth get any better? 某事、某物还可以再更好一点吗? Free hot cocoa, could this day get any better? 免费的热可可茶,今天还能够再幸福点吗?   We are all set! 我们一切都准备好了! Have you guys packed your luggage? 你们都打包好行李了吗? We are all set! 我们一切都准备好了!   reception 接收、收讯 signal 信号 Your voice is breaking up 你的声音断断续续(形容通话质量差) Your voice is breaking up. 你的声音断断续续的 Maybe the signal is kind of weak and the reception is bad. 或许信号有点弱,收讯不好   I don’t care what it takes, …… 我不在乎付出什么代价 I don’t care what it takes, I just know my dream means a lot to me. 我不在乎付出什么代价,我只知道我的梦想对我来说意义重大   I’ve had it with…… 我受够了…… I’ve had it with your cold attitude. 我受够了你冷漠的态度     take it out on sb 发泄到某人身上 Every time you feel sad and angry, you just take it out on me. 每次你感到沮丧或者生气,你就会发泄到我身上 I’ve had it with you 我已经受够你了   get a cold feet! 害怕、怯场 Don’t get a cold feet!I have every confidence in you. 别害怕,我对你完全有信心