

2017-09-06    10'47''

主播: Elaine娴

435 11

                                  口语相关表达   sth is/are jumping off the shelves 某物是紧俏品 try it on 试一下 This tailored jacket looks so stylish, can I try it on? Of course, what size do you need? Medium, please. I’m sorry we don’t have it in medium, it is jumping off the shelves.   job-hopping 跳槽 jump ship 跳槽 get tired of 厌倦 Why do so many young people like to jump ship? Well, I think there are many reasons for job-hopping. Maybe some people don’t like the working environment or they just get tired of what they do every day.       You never know 世事难料 Easy come, easy go 来得容易去得快 What happened? It seems you are not yourself Well, it’s a long story. Tell me about it, it’s just between us. Well, I just broke up with my boyfriend, he said he didn’t love me any more. Poor you, sometimes, easy come, easy go, you never know.     Can I have the bill, please? 我能结一下账吗? what’s the total? 总价是多少? keep the change 不用找零了 Excuse me, can I have the bill, please? Sure, please wait a moment. What’s the total? It’s 85.50 Here you are, keep the change.     I’m broke. 我身无分文 sth cost an arm and a leg 某物很贵 Why you look so down? I’m broke now. How come? I just bought a crisp white shirt, it cost an arm and a leg. That’s why you always spend money like water.     How do I look? 我看起来怎么样? sth look perfect on sb 某物非常适合某人 I stuck between A and B 我在A和B中纠结 How do I look? This one piece looks perfect on you. Really? But I stuck between this one and that one You can take both of them. That would be a lot of money, I can only choose one.     No pain, no gain 没有付出就没有回报 It’s so difficult, I just want to give it up. Well, no pain, no gain. If you want something, you have to work hard on it. Yeah, what you said makes sense.     These things happen all the time. 这是常有的事情 Time is money 时间就是金钱 There is nothing I can do 我无能为力 Have you arrived in New York? Not yet, actually I’m still at the airport. How come? Well, the flight was delayed and there’s nothing I can do. Poor you, these things happen all the time. But time is money, they should do something to make up for me