①look around 东张西望
②pass v. 通过;递给
sb.pass sb.sth.
③owe sb.big this time 欠某人一个大人情
④play soccer=play football 踢足球
⑤fretful=worry adj.焦急的,不安的
⑥hesitate v.迟疑
I hesitated for a moment.
⑦roll v. 滚动
roll one's eyes at sb.对某人翻白眼
⑧inferior adj.较差的
The cassettes were of inferior quality.
⑨crying loudly 大声哭泣
crying silently 轻声流泪
She was standing and holding her arms out to him and crying silently.她站在那轻声的哭着,把胳膊伸向了他。
⑩moisten v.(使)变得湿润
moisten one's heart 使某人伤心透顶
Drink some water to moisten your throat.喝点水润下嗓子