

2016-03-02    04'49''

主播: 熊叔英语

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微信搜索【熊孩子聚集地】,与雄叔共同玩转英语! 择一城终老,遇一人白首;套一世A股,还一生房贷。 Grow old In a city you love With a person you care for As a shareholder in our stock market Under the pressure of the mortgage loans. 房价之歌: baby why you’re so poor Come on, that’s not enough They’re saying no, no, no As you got nothing to show show show Baby, why you’re so poor Come on, you should’ve known better They’re saying no, no, no I don’t sell this house to you no no 本课重点: housing market 房市 rock solid 如岩石般稳定、坚挺 think twice before you do sth 三思而后行 deposit 押金 contract 合同 landlord 房东 regret one’s decision 后悔…的决定 the Himalayas 喜马拉雅山脉 millionaire百万富翁 billionaire 亿万富翁 mortgage loans 按揭贷款 shareholder 股东 stock market 股市