

2016-06-20    07'31''

主播: 熊叔英语

1070 38

大家好,我是雄叔,互联网英语教师、英语配音员。 微信搜索“熊孩子聚集地”,回复“微课”,可以享受雄叔为大家准备的大礼包! 大家有没有想过, 撩个外国汉子做男友会是怎样一种体验? ①这裙子挺适合你的: 雄叔:Hey, Darling. I think this dress is made to be yours. 你:Oh, honey. That’s way too expensive, I can’t afford it. 雄叔:It’s OK. It’s on me. 你:No, Bear. Don’t waste your money on something so beautiful and unnecessary. Then, Uncle Bear got the dress for you anyway. 老外:Hey, Darling. Check this out. This looks good on you. 你:Oh, honey. That’s way too expensive, I can’t afford it. 老外:Oh. (老外很难懂你那些娇羞的小台词:说no其实是在说yes) ②你收到了男友买的裙子/你没收到男友买的裙子: 雄叔:Honey, do you like the dress I got you today? 你:Oh my God, like it? I love it! I told you not to waste your money on this! (But I’m so happy hahahaha) 雄叔:I’m glad you love it. I’m happy when you are happy. 老外:Honey, are you sure you don’t want the dress we saw today? 你:It’s too expensive. Beautiful, but expensive. I’m gonna pass. (It’s so beautiful, I want it, I want it, you dumbass!) 老外:Oh. (性子直,听不懂潜台词,要买请直说,老外不差钱。) ③相处一年后: 雄叔:Honey, I’ve saved up 20,000 yuan this past year. At this pace, I can buy an apartment in Shanghai in … uh… about 200 years !(攒200年的钱,为你买房) 你:Oh, honey, it’s ok, we don’t need to buy an apartment. You see,we’re happy in this rented small room where I can get to the bathroom right after I get off bed. 雄叔:Oh. 你:Honey, it’s been a year, how much did you save? 老外:Save? What? Money? I haven’t saved any… why? You didn’t get cancer, I hope? 你:No, I didn’t! If you don’t save money, how can you buy us an apartment? Or a car? 老外:I think it’s cool to live in a rented apartment where I can get to the bathroom right after I get off bed. And the subway is so convenient. 你:You like the subway? With all those people all around you everyday? 老外:……If you don’t like those people, we can order Subway on 百度外卖 or 饿了么.(Subway既是地铁,又是赛百味) 你:Oh. (老外年轻的时候不太有攒钱意识。老外一般快四十了才开始买房啥的。) ④相处两年后: 雄叔:Will you marry me? 你:Yes! Oh my God, Yes! Definitely yes! Wait a minute. Are you gonna buy us an apartment? Are you gonna buy us a car? ‘Cuz if you don’t, my parents won’t agree. 雄叔:I’ve sold my two kidneys for a great fortune, so yes.(即便卖肾,也要为你买车买房!) 你:Yes! Oh my God, Yes! Definitely yes! 老外:Hey, hon, I got a surprise. 你:Really? (Oh my God! He’s gonna propose, he’s gonna propose!) 老外:Tada~! 你:……What is this……? 老外:I’ve been learning to cook 番茄炒蛋! 你:Oh. (Is he ever gonna propose at all…?) (有些老外年轻的时候经常会处个好长时间再求婚) ⑤在婚礼前: 雄叔:Everything is ready. You are gonna be awesome tomorrow. 你:I know, right? We are an awesome couple. Except that… Where’s your hair? 雄叔:I sold my kidneys to get us the apartment and the car, remember? 你:I love you so much, honey. 老外:Que no para la fiesta, don’t stop the party! 你:Hey, what the fuck are you doing! Get your lazy ass back here, we have a fucking wedding tomorrow! 老外: Hey hon, you are not supposed to call me at this time. 你:Fuck you! 滴滴滴滴滴滴滴滴滴滴滴滴. 老外:Oh… (老外男性在婚礼前往往会去strip club high一番来对自己的单身生活say goodbye) ⑥十年后: 雄叔:You know son, you are a miracle. I made your mother conceive(怀上了) you ten years ago. And I was without my kidneys at the time. If it weren’t for a miracle, I don’t know what it is. Your son: Daddy! 雄叔:Although… You don’t look like me. Not a bit. I don’t know why but you are starting to look like the guy who lives next to us. Your son: 爸爸你说我长得像隔壁王叔叔!What a coincidence! 雄叔:Oh… 老外:We are going on a family trip everyone! You and your children: Yeah! 老外:Where’s Tom? You left him home? He’s only three years old, he can’tbe left home alone! You: Shut up there’re already four kids in the car, no room for a three-year-old. 老外:Oh honey, thank you so much for the 5 kids you brought to the world. I promise you, we’ll have another 5 kids and that’s it. No more! You:Oh… (老外要么丁克,要么生好几个,少有只生一个的。) 本期微课重点表达: I can’t afford it: 要(买)不起 I’m gonna pass: 我还是算了吧…… definitely: 绝对地 be supposed to: 应该做某事 What a coincidence!: 这不是巧了么这不是! propose:求婚 commit:承诺