为你读情书:You Know My Heart

为你读情书:You Know My Heart

2017-04-21    02'37''

主播: 熊叔英语

10154 448

You know my heart 你知道我的心 Bettine Brentano to Goethe 贝停-布伦塔诺致歌德 You know my heart; you know that all there 你知道我的心;你知道我心里 is desire, thought, boding and longing; 惟有的愿望、思念、预兆和渴求; you live among spirits and they give you divine wisdom. 你生活在幽灵之中,他们给你以神灵的智慧。 You must nourish me; you give all that in advance, 你一定要给我以"营养"。 which I do not understand to ask for. 你已经事先就给了我那些我不懂得去要求的东西。 My mind has a small embrace, my love a large one; 虽说我的才智小,但我的爱情甚深; you must bring them to a balance. 你一定要平衡这两方面。 Love cannot be quiet till the mind matches its growth; 在理智跟不上爱情的发展时,爱不能平静。 you are matched to my love; you are friendly, kind, and indulgent; 你知道我有多爱你;你友善、温存、宽厚。 let me know when my heart is off the balance. 告诉我,什么时候我的心失去了平衡。 I understand your silent signs. 我懂得你那无声的暗示。 A look from your eyes into mine, a kiss from you upon my lips, 你映人我眼帘的凝睇、你印在我唇上的热吻, instructs me in all, what might seem delighted to learn, 向我说明了一切。这一切对于像我这样的人, to one who, like me, had experience from those. 对于有过这方面感情经历的人,看来似乎令人高兴。 I am far from you; mine are become strange to me. 你我天各一方,我给你的凝望和亲吻对我已日益陌生。 I must ever return in thought to that hour 我无法不回想在 when you hold me in the soft fold of your arm. 你怀抱中的温柔时刻。 Then I begin to weep, but the tears dry again unawares. 然后我便开始哭泣,又不知不觉眼泪已哭干。 Yes, he reaches with his love (thus I think) 是的,在深藏的静谧中 over to me in this concealed stillness; 他对我一往情深(我如是想)。 and should not I, with my eternal undisturbed loving, 难道我就不应该借着永不动摇的深情 reach to him in the distance? 遥通心声吗? Ah, conceive what my heart has to say to you; 啊,你不知道我一心要对你说些什么吗? it overflows with soft sighs all whisper to you. 我要对你无限地轻声叹息,窃窃私语,让感情沛溢。 Be my only happiness on earth your friendly will to me. 愿我今生今世唯一的幸福就是你对我的无限的柔情。 O, dear friend, give me but a sign that you are conscious of me. 啊,亲爱的朋友,只求你给我暗示,你心中只有我。 weixin搜索“熊叔英语”,跟熊叔每日干英语!