

2017-06-19    04'12''

主播: 熊叔英语

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wechat关注“熊叔英语”,每日推送,享受熊叔每日英语大餐! Yeah 唉 I know sometimes things may not always make sense to you right now 我知道,有些事情,你们现在可能不理解 But hey, what daddy always tell you? 但是,爸爸经常告诉你什么? Straighten up little soldier 小战士,挺起你的胸膛 Stiffen up that upper lip 别再嘟着嘴了 What you crying about? 有什么好哭的? You got me 你还有我啊! Hailie I know you miss your mom and I know you miss your dad hailie我知道你想念妈妈,也知道你思念爸爸。 Well I'm gone but I'm trying to give you the life that I never had 虽然不能一直陪伴在你身边,可是我一直试图让你过上。我从未拥有过的美好生活 I can see you're sad, even when you smile, even when you laugh 我知道你很难过,即使你在甜美微笑,就算你看起来很开心 I can see it in your eyes, deep inside you want to cry 从你的眼里我可以看到,在你的眼睛深处。其实你是想哭的啊 Cuz you're scared, I ain't there? 因为爸爸不在你身边,你害怕吗? Daddy's with you in your prayers 你一直祈祷着爸爸在你身旁 No more crying, wipe them tears 请别再哭了,擦干你的眼泪 Daddy's here, no more nightmares 爸爸会守护在你身旁,让你不再做噩梦 We gon' pull together through it, we gon' do it 我们会一起度过这一切,我们一定可以做到的! Laney uncles crazy, aint he? laney,虽然叔叔发疯了 Yeah but he loves you girl and you better know it 但是,你最好知道,他一直爱着你。 We're all we got in this world 我们活在这个世界上 When it spins, when it swirls 当它旋转,当它回旋。 When it whirls, when it twirls 当它摇晃,当它像个旋转木马绕啊绕(都是旋转的意思) Two little beautiful girls 两个漂亮的小女孩 Lookin' puzzled, in a daze 看起来很是迷惑,一脸呆萌 I know it's confusing you 我知道对你们来说这些像数学题一样难以理解 Daddy's always on the move, mamma's always on the news 爸爸老是四处奔波,妈妈老是上新闻 I try to keep you sheltered from it but somehow it seems 我试图让你们不受这些影响,但似乎 The harder that I try to do that, the more it backfires on me 我越试图保护你们,反而没有什么好结果 All the things growing up his daddy that he had to see 你们长大时所看到的事情,都是爸爸曾经经历过的。 Daddy don't want you to see but you see just as much as he did 爸爸不想你们和我一样,但你看到过的糟事和爸爸一样多 We did not plan it to be this way, your mother and me 这可不是我和你妈妈所计划的 But things have gotten so bad between us 但是我和你妈妈之间有很多变故 I don't see us ever being together ever again 我想我和你妈妈不会再像 Like we used to be when we was teenagers 我们十几岁时一样在一起 But then of course everything always happens for a reason 当然任何事情都有它发生的理由 I guess it was never meant to be 我并不想这么做 But it's just something we have no control 但是有些事情超出了我们的控制 over and that's what destiny is 也许这就是命... But no more worries, rest your head and go to sleep 但别再担心了,休息一下你的小脑袋。晚安 Maybe one day we'll wake up and this will all just be a dream 也许有一天我们会醒来发现这一切都只是一场梦 Now hush little baby, don't you cry 不要再哭了好不好,我的小宝贝 Everything's gonna be alright 一切都会慢慢变好的 Stiffen that upperlip up little lady, i told ya 别再嘟着嘴了我的小公主,我发誓 Daddy's here to hold ya through the night 我会抱着你,度过这漫漫寒夜 I know mommy's not here right now and we don't know why 我知道妈妈现在暂时不在家,我们也不知道她去哪了 We feel how we feel inside 我们都很担心她遇到了危险 It may seem a little crazy, pretty baby 不过这幻想有点担心过头了,我的小公主 But i promise momma's gon' be alright 我发誓妈妈会没事的 wechat关注“熊叔英语”,每日推送,享受熊叔每日英语大餐!