

2017-07-27    01'57''

主播: 熊叔英语

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wechat关注“熊叔英语”,每日推送,享受熊叔每日英语大餐! 一场毕业演讲不灌鸡汤,而是把真实的世界告诉这些学生,让他们以后能做个明白人。—约翰·罗伯茨(John Roberts) If you did fail, you got up and tried again. And if you failed again, you got up and tried again. And if you failed again, it might be time to think about doing something else. 如果你失败了,站起来,再试一次。 如果你又失败了,站起来,再试一次。 而如果你又失败了,你或许该想想是不是该干点别的了。 You should be yourself. But you should understand what that means. Unless you are perfect, it does not mean don’t make any changes. 你们应该做自己。 但是,可要搞清楚了。 除非你是个完美的人,不然这并不代表不要做任何改变。 From time to time in the years to come, I hope you will be treated unfairly, so that you will come to know the value of justice. 在未来的这些年里,我希望你们都时不时地受到不公的待遇,这样你们才能知道正义的价值。 I hope that you will suffer betrayal because that will teach you the importance of loyalty. 我希望你们所有人都被人背叛,因为这样你们才能明白忠诚有多重要。 Sorry to say, but I hope you will be lonely from time to time so that you don’t take friends for granted. 很抱歉这么说,但我希望你们都会时不时地变得孤苦伶仃,这样你们才不会把朋友当成理所当然。 I wish you bad luck, again, from time to time so that you will be conscious of the role of chance in life and understand that your success is not completely deserved and that the failure of others is not completely deserved either. 我还要再次祝各位都倒霉,这样你们才会知道运气在生活中的戏码有多大,你们才会知道自己的成功并不是应得的,你们才会知道别人的失败也不是活该。 And when you lose, as you will from time to time, I hope every now and then, your opponent will gloat over your failure. It is a way for you to understand the importance of sportsmanship. 而当你们失败的时候,而且你们肯定会时不时失败的,我希望你们的对手能在那幸灾乐祸,这样你们才能知道互相尊重有多重要。 I hope you’ll be ignored so you know the importance of listening to others. 我还希望你们都被人无视,这样你们才能知道倾听别人有多重要 And I hope you will have just enough pain to learn compassion. 我还希望你们都能过得足够痛苦,这样你们才能学会同情别人。 然后,还引用了一句苏格拉底的名言,来总领全文: “The unexamined life is not worth living.” 未经自省的人生,并不值得活。