

2017-07-28    04'18''

主播: 熊叔英语

352 16

wechat关注“熊叔英语”,每日推送,享受熊叔每日英语大餐! 想把英语讲得有洋味儿,你首先要学会像老外那样哼哼哈哈! 今天的实用口语干货。 TOP 10. Shucks! [ʃʌks] 糟糕! e.g. Aw shucks ! I bought the wrong size. "哪里哪里" 。 e.g. Aw shucks ! It wasn’t anything. TOP 9. Whew [hwju] 表示化险为夷之后的安心。呦!(好悬呀!) e.g. Whew! That was close! He almost got himself run over by a car. TOP 8. shoot [ʃut] “该死”,“倒霉” “Shoot! I promised my wife I will take her to her folks’on Saturday.” TOP 7.Oops [ʊps] 通常是讲话的人不小心做错了什么事,或忘了什么事时用。 Oops! I locked my key in the car. TOP 6. Ouch [aʊtʃ] 如果你被什么东西刮碰蹭,或被什么东西弄伤了,Ouch 是最好的选择之一。 e.g. Ouch! I just burned my finger! TOP 5. Shhhhhh [ʃ] 我们平时暗示要安静,会说“嘘”。 e.g. Shhhhh! Somebody is trying to read. TOP 4. Psst [pst] 试图引起某人的注意但又不想惊动他人时常用。Psst = "Here!" e.g. Psst! Psst! What is the answer for question #2? TOP 3. Brrr! [br-r-r] 冬天冻得不行了, 完全不用说It’s cold来表达。呼喊一个词:Brrr! e.g. Brrr! It's already March, but it's so cold today! I can't stand it. TOP 2. Gee [dʒi] 表示惊奇,赞美。 Gee, that's great! 可要是拖长了调,说 geeeeee,这说话的人就是假装感到惊奇。 e.g. A: You know, Jack Ma is the founder and executive chairman of Alibaba. B:Geeeeee (你傻啊,谁不知道) TOP 1. All right 表示赞许,“好啊!”“太棒了!” e.g. When the guitarist began his solo, the entire audience explodes into a roaring “All right!”