

2017-08-04    03'13''

主播: 熊叔英语

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wechat关注“熊叔英语”,每日推送,享受熊叔每日英语大餐! 1. 凑份子 Whip-round You might have a whip-round to buy a joint present for her. 你们可以凑份子合伙给她买个礼物。 2.翻旧账 Open old wounds Let bygones be bygones. Don&`&t open old wounds by mentioning his part in the feud between your families. 过去的就让它过去吧,她破坏你们两家关系已是陈年老账,不要再去翻了。 3.大排档 Food stand Snack stand People can fully enjoy Chinese-style snacks and Portuguese-style dishes at snack stands downtown. 闹市区里大排档和小食铺里的中式小吃和葡式美食让人大快朵颐。 4.各就各位。 On your mark! On your mark!Get set. Go! 各就各位。预备,跑! 5.跌眼镜 Be caught out Be exposed Be proven wrong The experts were caught out as all their predictions proved to be way off the mark. 让专家们大跌眼镜---他们的预测成绩完全落空。 6. 回头客 Returning customer One thing is for sure, if a restaurant has a lot of returning customers, it must be a good one. 有一点可以肯定,如果饭店回头客多,那这家店一定不错。 7.跟着感觉走 Follow one&`&s heart Do what one thinks is right Don&`&t think about it too much. Follow your heart and you&`&ll be all right. 你不必考虑太多,跟着感觉走就好了。 8. 走桃花运 Literally means "to have peach blossom luck". This phrase refers to "being lucky in love". Many single young people who are starting to advance in age hope to get lucky and find their special someone. 很多大龄单身青年希望走桃花运。