

2017-08-17    04'45''

主播: 熊叔英语

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wechat关注“熊叔英语”,每日推送,享受熊叔每日英语大餐! 10 Fried Shrimp with Cashews 腰果虾仁 吃不了辣的外国人表示:嗯,就要这个感觉! This Chinese dish is fairly light and more to the taste of foreigners. It is nutritious, looks beautiful and tastes delicious. 这道中国菜口味很轻,更适合外国人。不仅色香味俱全,还很有营养哦。 9 Chow Mein 炒面 天啊撸,壮哉我炒面! Chow mein is another popular dish seen often on Chinese restaurant menus. 炒面也是一道很风靡的美食,在中餐馆的菜单上很常见。 8 Peking Duck 北京烤鸭 堪称一绝,马上想起某某德! Peking roast duck is a must-try meal when you travel to Beijing. It is a cuisine with more than 600 years of history. 北京烤鸭是你来北京不能错过的美食!它可有超过600年悠久历史呢。 7 Wonton Soup 馄饨 馄饨、云吞、抄手,你都分的清吗? Wonton is a kind of soup often eaten for breakfast throughout China. Wontons, usually in the shape of a triangle, are boiled and served in soup with some coriander. 馄饨是一种汤食,在中国被人们当早餐吃。通常馄饨是三角形的,煮熟后一般会和放入少许香菜。 6 Dumpling 饺子 馄饨他兄弟来了,饺子。馅在里面的你们都喜欢对吗? Dumplings are usually round and are boiled to eat. Common fillings include vegetables mixed with meat. 中国饺子一般是圆形的,煮熟即可食用。常见的饺子馅儿一般都是菜肉混合的。 5 Spicy Doufu 麻婆豆腐 啧啧,国民家常菜,辣也喜欢。 Spicy doufu originates from Sichuan province. It is a combination of doufu, minced meat and spicy chili and bean-based sauce. 麻婆豆腐起源于四川省。这道菜由豆腐、肉丁、辣椒和豆瓣酱制作而成。 4 Egg-fried Rice 蛋炒饭 蛋炒饭乃我国饮食文化精髓,不要小瞧哦! Egg-fried rice is one of the most ordered dishes at Chinese takeaway restaurants. Some people have it as a side dish with other main dishes, while others may order it as the main dish for lunch or dinner. 蛋炒饭是中式外卖的必点单品之一。有人把它当下饭菜就着主食一起吃,也有人把它当做午餐或者晚餐。 3 Spring Rolls 春卷 春卷,我只想到了春节…… Spring rolls are made with a round, thin dough sheet with ingredients folded inside and deep fried in oil. 春卷是由一张又圆又薄的面皮把馅料塞进去后油炸而成。 2 Kung Pao Chicken 宫保鸡丁 宫廷菜腻,外国人也好这一口。 You can find this dish in almost all Chinese restaurants. When you ask a foreigner to name several Chinese dishes, Kung Pao Chicken is typically one of them. 你可以在几乎全中国的餐厅里找到这道菜。当你要求一个外国人说出几样中国美食时,宫保鸡丁一定是其中之一。 1 Sweet and Sour Pork 咕咾肉 粤菜典型代表之一,酸酸甜甜众人爱。 The dish looks delicious and tastes just as good. Western people love the sweet and sour flavor, so this dish is now popular everywhere around the world. 这道菜颜值高、味道好,其酸酸甜甜的味道特别适合外国人的口味。所以这道菜现在在全世界各地都很受欢迎。 看了上面的菜单,突然觉得外国人民真的是很容易满足。 熊孩子们,你猜对了几个?