

2017-08-27    04'25''

主播: 熊叔英语

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wechat关注“熊叔英语”,每日推送,享受熊叔每日英语大餐! 知道来自不同国家的歪果仁最怕什么吗 如何以光速时间就能怼得他们哑口无言、生无可恋 想知道歪果仁们崩溃炸毛是什么表现吗 嘿嘿嘿,那就看看今天熊叔给大家带来的爆笑漫画吧 Do you want to know how to easily piss people off in their own countries? 上句中的piss off 是个固定搭配,意为“使恼火、使厌烦”。如:You’d better leave her alone. She’s pissed off right now. (你最好别理她。她现在正在气头上。) 如何与歪果仁"友尽" 点我听各国歪果仁最怕什么 来自熊叔英语 00:0004:25 如何惹恼美国人: Amercans: Give them a regular-sized plate of healthy food. 给他们一盘正常分量的健康食品 如何惹恼意大利人: Italians: Take spaghetti and break in half before boiling. 把意面掰断再煮 如何惹恼加拿大人 Canadians: Assume they&`&re from the USA 以为他们从美国来 如何惹恼日本人 Japanese: Wear shoes in the house. 在屋子里穿着鞋 如何惹恼法国人 French: Give them only soda to pair with their meal of beef bourguignon. 吃法式红酒炖牛肉的时候只给他们苏打水 如何惹恼墨西哥人: Mexicans: Don&`&t pass the hot sauce. 不给他们辣酱 如何惹恼德国人: Germans: Force them to draw imperfect circles. 强迫他们故意不把圆圈画圆 各位熊孩子们可以找个机会把以上方法都试一遍 另外,惹恼中国人的方法是什么咧??? 今日跟读金句 1 You&`&d better leave her alone. She&`&s pissed off right now. 2 Want to know what really upsets an American? Give them a normal-sized plate of healthy food and find out for yourself. 3 And if you really want to hurt a Canadian then just assume they&`&re American and you&`&ve made an enemy for life.