丧 出 新 高 度

丧 出 新 高 度

2017-09-06    04'28''

主播: 熊叔英语

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wechat关注“熊叔英语”,每日推送,享受熊叔每日英语大餐! 青春为什么一定要跑步流汗,为什么不能就在河边虚度呢?” 丧是“我差不多是个废人了”、“其实并不是很想活”、“漫无目的的颓废”、“什么都不想干”、“躺尸到死亡”、“颓废到忧伤”。 简单点儿说 ( to put it briefly ),丧是想要躺着,不想思考,什么都不想干! 点我听熊叔讲落落落落的丧文化 来自熊叔英语 00:0004:27 今天是熊叔陪伴你的第1027天 1 I will not get discouraged, because life is full of ups and downs and all the downs after those downs. 我不会灰心,因为人生就是这样起起落落落落落落落落落落落落落落落落落落落落落。 2 I believe all roads lead to Rome, but I am told that some people have been living there since they were born. 条条大路通罗马,但他们告诉我有些人就生在罗马。 3 If you do not try, you do not know what it feels like to be hopeless. 还是要努力一下,毕竟努力之后才知道什么叫绝望。 4 Failure is not horrible. What’s horrible is that you believe this. 失败并不可怕,可怕的是还相信这句话。 5 Some people seem to have everything. In fact, they do have everything. 不要看有些人表面上一帆风顺,其实,他们背地里也是一帆风顺啦。 6 People say there are a lot of opportunities in big cities, but did anyone ever say they were yours? 许多人说北上广深机会多,但没有人说那是你啊。 7 The worst nightmare is you achieve nothing but believe it is a blessing to be common. 最怕你一生碌碌无为,还安慰自己平凡可贵。 是不是毒鸡汤才够味 奥特曼丧一下怪兽也不会自尽 因此啊...还是要出大招才行 房子贵、上班累、工资低、人崩溃 但如果我们不得不经历这个过程 只有去接受它才能改变它 今日跟读金句 I believe all roads lead to Rome, but I am told that some people have been living there since they were born. 条条大路通罗马,但他们告诉我有些人就生在罗马。 If you do not try, you do not know what it feels like to be hopeless. 还是要努力一下,毕竟努力之后才知道什么叫绝望。 People say there are a lot of opportunities in big cities, but did anyone ever say they were yours? 许多人说北上广深机会多,但没有人说那是你啊。