

2017-09-10    09'09''

主播: 熊叔英语

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wechat关注“熊叔英语”,每日推送,享受熊叔每日英语大餐! 【老外看中国】中国到底多安全? I teach travel Chinese to people planning to visit China, and there are three other safety concerns I do remind them of before they visit. 我教那些计划访问中国的旅行者们如何畅行中国。在他们在去中国之前,我会强调另外三个安全问题。 The first is traffic safety. Though traffic law enforcement is improving in big cities, it’s important that you understand that in China, pedestrians are not treated with the same respect as they might be in your home country. Here are some tips: 首先,第一个是交通安全。虽然在很多大城市的交通执法力度有所提高,但是在中国你要知道,路人可不像你在自己国家一样被哄着。这里有一些小贴士: Under no circumstances should you assume a car is going to stop for you if you are walking in the street, even if the light is green for pedestrians. 走在大街上的时候,绝对不要以为车会让人,哪怕你面前是绿灯也白扯。 Remember to look both ways before crossing a road, and to continue looking as you cross. Look out for people making left turns too. 记得在过马路的时候要左看右看上看下看,然后继续眼观六路,耳听八方,直到你走完了。你也要小心那些左转的人。 The same is true when you’re dealing with cyclists or people on scooters—they probably aren’t going to stop if they’re already in motion, and they frequently ignore traffic lights altogether. You’ll see people riding their bikes and scooters on sidewalks too, so keep your eyes open even when you’re not in the street. 当你遇到小黄车或者小电驴的时候也一样。这帮骑士骑起来就不会停,而且经常无视红灯。他们也会在人行道上驰骋,在你耳旁嗖嗖生风。所以啊,你在路边也得瞅着点。 Don’t walk around looking at your cell phone. 不要边走边看手机。 熊叔点评 所以你们这群美国佬连外卖都点不起! 而我们,足不出户,吃遍天下! The second is food safety. China also has a less-than-stellar record when it comes to food safety. Tips: 第二是食品安全问题。哟,中国这食品安全,可不那么光彩。小贴士: Though it may be tempting, I discourage you from eating street food, as there is a chance the food is being prepared with unsafe ingredients, the most common of which is recycled oil. 路边的黑暗料理闻着肯定特别诱人,但是我不建议你去尝试。这东西可能是用一些不卫生的原料做的。如果你们还没听说过地沟油,那可以去尝试一下。 When eating in China, stick to restaurants that are well trafficked or well-reviewed. That doesn’t mean you should stick to Western restaurants, it just means going to places that have a lot of visitors. 在中国吃饭时,坚持选择那些回头率高,评分较高的餐厅。这并不意味着你一定要吃西餐,仅仅是告诉你要选择有很多游客的诚信推荐的餐厅吃饭。 That said, don’t let worries prevent you from enjoying Chinese food, as it’s one of the best parts of the country! Be wise and be judicious. 不过虽然说了这么多,也不要让这些担忧毁了你享受中餐的心情。中国最棒的地方之一就是中餐!因为明智所以明智。 Take risks in trying new foods, but understand that if you eat something unclean, you might get sick. In most cases, take the risk because it’s worth it and you’ll be fine. 在尝试新食物时要勇于冒险,但是,如果你吃到了不干净的东西,你可能会生病。但是不必担心,因为大多情况下你的冒险是值得的,你会没事的。 Bring medication in case you do fall ill. 带着常备药以防万一你生病了。 Never drink water from the tap unless it’s been boiled. Restaurants will not serve you water that’s not been purified through boiling or other means, so don’t worry about drinking water in restaurants! 除非煮沸,否则切勿直接饮用水龙头的水。那些没有通过煮沸或经过其他方式净化的水餐厅不会提供的,所以不用担心餐馆里的饮用水! And there is no such thing as fake bottled water. If it’s in a bottle and the top is sealed, you’re good to go. 而且没有假的瓶装水。如果它在一个瓶子里,而且瓶盖是密封的,就放开了干吧。 If you’re visiting for a short time, I suggest following my advice on food strictly to avoid getting sick and wasting time. If you’re staying longer, you can and should relax things and try to live more like a local. 如果你在中国是短期的游玩,建议严格遵循我对食物的建议,以避免生病和浪费时间。如果你在中国停留的时间稍长,你可以放松身心,并试着像当地人一样生活。 熊叔点评评 我们从小喝假奶粉,吃假鸡蛋假牛肉,吃地沟油吃黑暗料理,你们怕了么?只有你们老美才会想出《生化危机》这样的脑残故事,没常识!我们各个百毒不侵,T-VIRUS算个毛?哪怕你们老美的僵尸过来了,也会被我们烧烤、红烧、清蒸、麻辣、火锅、爆炒! Finally, there’s air pollution. Air pollution is simply a part of life in China. There is no way to avoid it. This is something many foreigners worry about before visiting, but my suggestion is that unless you have a condition, try not to think about it. From what I’ve seen, most foreigners do not have any problems when they come, but some do cough for a little while. Understand that since you’re probably only visiting, you won’t be doing any lasting damage to your body by breathing normally while you’re here. I think wearing a mask is overkill unless you’re exercising, but it’s a personal decision. 最后,也就是空气污染。空气污染也只是中国生活的一部分,没有办法避免。这是许多外国人在去中国之前普遍担心的事,但我的建议是,别矫情了,除非你有办法解决。从我所看到的,大多数外国人从中国回来时没有任何问题,但有些人咳嗽了一会儿。你就在中国待那么几天,怎么着,喘口气还能死啊?不会对生命造成不可逆的伤害的!我认为戴口罩是很矫情的行为,除非你在运动。当然这是你要自己决定的事儿。 熊叔点评 别那么矫情!熊叔吸这么多年雾霾了不也一样小黑屋天天录音。 总结 Generally, you should not have any worries traveling in China. Have a safe trip! 最后说一句,没啥可担忧的,别自己吓自己。玩得愉快! 今日跟读金句 In most cases, take the risk because it’s worth it and you’ll be fine. 但是不必担心,因为大多情况下你的冒险是值得的,你会没事的。 If you’re staying longer, you can and should relax things and try to live more like a local. 如果你在中国停留的时间稍长,你可以放松身心,并试着像当地人一样生活。 Generally, you should not have any worries traveling in China. Have a safe trip! 最后说一句,没啥可担忧的,别自己吓自己。玩得愉快! 好了 随便找是吧