上万的IPhone X,国外网友怎么看?

上万的IPhone X,国外网友怎么看?

2017-09-13    08'46''

主播: 熊叔英语

133 14

wechat关注“熊叔英语”,每日推送,享受熊叔每日英语大餐! 肾X来袭跟着苹果,手机从未从此贵贵贵!!!一部手机,轻松上万。 看看老外怎么评价此机 Is it really worth $1000 so you can do all that on an OLED screen with no home button that unlocks with your face instead of your finger? Yep. 嗯,1000美金换来的是无home键屏幕的人脸解锁,解放手指了,这样的iphone值得吗? 是的,你值得拥有~ I&`&m not arguing that nothing changed. I&`&m just saying that none of the changes they offered up were particularly compelling to me. 我不是说没什么改变。只是…… 我对IphoneX的套路免疫了。 I live in the desert. Waterproofing isn&`&t the most important thing on my agenda and I&`&ve never lost a phone to water... My iCloud is full of pictures taken from my wife&`&s 7 and my 6+, and when I browse through them I can&`&t really tell you which is which (she has never used the portrait mode). 防水效果怎么样我一点都不在乎,因为我住在沙漠 我的i cloud里充斥着众多我老婆的7和我的6+拍的照片,定睛一看,我竟然不知道照片拍的是谁,反正她从来没开启过肖像模式... Like I said, maybe Apple can convince me otherwise. If the X is compelling enough, I&`&ll upgrade. If not, I don&`&t think I&`&m going to feel bad about rolling along with my 6+. It&`&s a great phone. 好吧,也许苹果官方的花言巧语可以让我觉得X够屌... 只要苹果X够强大,即使卖肾也不算事,如果它不强大,我并不觉得与6+相依为命的日子有什么不好,6+真的很不错! The wife has a 7 and I&`&ve fiddled around with it here and there without noticing any big difference. Maybe if I sat them side-by-side I&`&d see Safari opening 1/4th of a second faster, but for everything I tend to do (email, web browsing, phone calls, light business work for my publishing company, and some light management of ongoing facebook ad campaigns etc) it doesn&`&t feel particularly slow at anything I&`&m using it for. 我老婆有个7,我玩了一会她的7,也就那样嘛,和我的手机有很大区别吗??也许我们坐一起,或看到苹7的优越感——仅在她打开网页时比我快的四分之一秒而已。我的手机也没影响我的体验感,我的手机处理这些也不逊色,一点也不慢啊。 According to the price on Apple&`&s website, the new 256GB iphone X costs $1150... Keep this in mind when people say VR is too expensive. 新的256GB iphone X的售价为1150美元... 还记得当年你们都说VR玩不起吗? It&`&s still more expensive than your computer, but not by nearly $500 玩VR虽然比你的电脑贵,但没贵到500美元那么多…… A phone. For that price it better grant wishes or something. 一部手机。这个价格,要召唤神龙? Best to pick up the $999 phone, then. I sincerely wish I could spend a good ten minutes in your mind and try to grasp how you&`&re rationalizing the purchase. Because surely, rationalizing is all you&`&re doing. 买买买!想办法让自己觉得这个钱花的合理!算了,你想不出办法的。 Most iPhone users like myself know about the various android phones and their features and price points. It&`&s a matter of PREFERENCE. No phone is better than any other phone on the market. The "best" phone is one that can do everything you need it to do, and that&`&s different for each person. God forbid different people like different things. 很多苹果用户都和我一样知道各色各样的安卓神机。这就是个人的偏好而已。 市场上都是好手机,而最好的手机是最能满足你的。当然每个人要被满足的点不一样。 一千个读者有一千个哈姆雷特,每个哈姆雷特都用不一样的手机。 It is basically a Galaxy S8 with a few less features, no fingerprint reader, no iris security etc. REVOLUTIONARY!!!!!! lol 这不就是个功能更少的三星S8么?没指纹识别,没虹膜识别 真的是颠覆性极强的产品啊,哈哈哈哈哈!