

2017-09-29    05'07''

主播: 熊叔英语

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wechat关注“熊叔英语”,每日推送,享受熊叔每日英语大餐! 世界的父母都很辛苦,中国的父母更是如此,望子成龙,望女成凤,起早贪黑,就是为孩子有一个美好的人生未来。今天我们一起来看看中国爸妈的一天吧! 据说,在中国不管东西南北,家长们每天是这样的。。。 今天是熊叔陪伴你的第1063天 还没睡醒就起床做早饭 Wake up and make breakfast before you wake up. 接送孩子上下学 Pick up the kids to school. 侦察孩子在校表现 Observe the child's performance at school. 微信群里等待老师回复 Wait for the teacher to reply in WeChat group. 老师有要求,第一个响应 When the teacher has a request, the first response. 下班回家后 After work and go home. 孩子不肯做作业 The child refused to do his homework 明明很困还得陪读 She was so sleepy,however she had to be accompanied. 终于辅导完孩子功课 Finally tutored the child. 总算忙完可以睡觉了 After the busy time, they can finally go to bed. 等等,还有事情没做 Wait, something is not done yet. 得计算孩子补习费用 They have to calculate their child's tuition. 得研究各类升学政策 They have to study all kinds of promotion policies. 得泡论坛查看最新动态 They have to go through BBS to see the latest developments. 总之不能错过任何升学小道消息 In a word, they can't miss any gossip about the promotion. 忙活一段时间,娃该考试了 After a while, the child will take the exam. 孩子这次成绩考得不错,哦呵呵 The kid did well in the exam, lol. 孩子这次怎么考砸了,哎哟喂 How did the child fail the exam this time. 老师通知开家长会了 The teacher informed the parents to attend the meeting. 学霸家长参加家长会 Parents of outstanding students attend the meeting. 学渣家长参加家长会 Parents of poor students attend meetings. 家长会被老师点名 When the parents are named by the teacher. 想让老师行个方便 When parents want their child's teacher to give him convenience. 明天终于是周末了 Tomorrow will be weekend. 我就要个悠闲的午后 I just want to have a leisurely afternoon 但想到自家孩子的成绩 But think of their kids' grades. 想到其他雄赳赳气昂昂的学霸 Think of other high-achieving students. 还是带Ta去补习班进修下吧 Decide to take their child to a cram school. 为什么我的周末比上班还要累? Why am I more tired on weekends? 什么时候才能熬出头啊 When will they be able to relax? 看完这组图片开心一笑的同时 是不是又觉得很感动? 其实大多数的父母都是这样的 谨以这组图片, 献给所有辛苦付出的父母! 今日跟读金句 老师有要求,第一个响应 When the teacher has a request, the first response. 想到其他雄赳赳气昂昂的学霸 Think of other high-achieving students. 为什么我的周末比上班还要累? Why am I more tired on weekends