

2017-10-11    12'54''

主播: 熊叔英语

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wechat关注“熊叔英语”,每日推送,享受熊叔每日英语大餐! Vocabulary peep: v. 窥视 Uncle Bear peeped through the window. nervously: adv. 紧张地 Uncle Bear said to Helen nervously, “I’m going to have dinner. Do you want to come with me?” step: v. 迈步 Uncle Bear opened the door, and stepped inside. chuckle: v. 咯咯地笑 What kind of monster did Nelly meet this time? “Hillooo,” said a growly(低吼地), snarly(咆哮地) voice. “Are you Nelly, the monster-sitter?” “That’s me!” said Nelly. “Where do you live?” “Number 76,” said the monster. “I’ll be around at 6:30,” said Nelly. At 6:30, Nelly rang the doorbell of Number 76. The door opened slowly and two large, spiky(钉子一般的) heads peeped nervously round the door. “Hello,” said Nelly. “I’m Nelly the monster-sitter. Can I come in?” Green, scaly(有鳞的) fingers pulled the door open and Nelly stepped inside. “I like your two heads,” said Nelly with a smile. “Really?” said the monster. “We thought(think) you might be frightened.” “Two heads are better than one, my mum always says,” smiled Nelly. The green, scaly, two-headed monster took Nelly inside to meet his yellow, scaly, two-headed daughter. “Her name is Lump,” said the green, scaly monster. “She loves building with play bricks.” “I’ll see what we can build together, then!” chuckled Nelly. Stay tuned! 欲知后事如何,请听下回分解。 Key sentences: (见到能识别即可,无需掌握) 1. We thought(think) you might be frightened. We think … might … 我们觉得…可能… I think Uncle Bear might be a little fat. I think Helen might be a little young. 2. Two heads are better than one be better than … 比…更好。 Uncle Bear is better than Uncle Bad. Two is better than one. 3. She loves building with play bricks …love doing … Uncle Bear loves teaching English. Helen loves eating salad. What’s gonna happen next? Is Nelly going to meet more monsters? What kinds of monsters will they be? 大家可以畅想一下Nelly后面会遇到的各种怪兽以及他们的特点。 See you next time!