

2017-10-12    13'15''

主播: 熊叔英语

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wechat关注“熊叔英语”,每日推送,享受熊叔每日英语大餐! Vocabulary return: v. 返回,归还 Uncle Bear returned home late last night. both: adj. 两个的,两者的,两者都 Uncle Bear remembers both your names. slightly: adv. 轻微地 They are twins! But Bear is slightly different from Bad. What kind of monster did Nelly meet this time? The two monsters left Nelly with Lump and went to have some fun. “Be back by 8:30,” said Nelly. At 8:15, the two monsters returned with a big stick of pink candy floss(棉花糖) in their hands. “This is for you,” said Lump’s mum. “We’ve been to the fair. We’ve had a super time.” “I’ve had a super time too,” said Nelly, kissing Lump on both foreheads(额头,前额). The next evening, Nelly’s phone rang again. “Hello,” said Nelly. “Hellope,” said a sucking, thwucking voice. “Can you monster-sit for us, too, please?” said the monster from Number 93. “I’d love to!” said Nelly. “I’ll be round at 7:15.” At 7:15 Nelly knocked on the door of Number 93. The door opened and a purple, rubbery(橡胶似的,有弹性的) head poked out. “Are you Nelly the monster-sitter?” asked the monster with a sucker thwuck. “That’s me!” said Nelly. “Can I come in?” The purple, rubbery monster opened the door and Nelly went inside to meet her purple, thwuckery husband. They had thwuckery, sucker twins. “How can you tell the difference?” asked Nelly. “Blotch has a tiny, orange birth mark(胎记) behind her fourth ear,” said the monster mum lovingly. “And if you look closely, Bog’s fourth eye is slightly greener.” “I’ll remember that!” said Nelly. “You go and have fun. Be back by nine o’clock.” Stay tuned! 欲知后事如何,请听下回分解。 Key sentences: (见到能识别即可,无需掌握) 1. I’d love to. 用于表达自己愿意做某事。I would love to的缩写。通常用来回答Would you/Can you …之类的问题。 - Can you help me, Uncle? - Oh, I’d love to, but I’m very busy right now. 2. How can you tell the difference? tell the difference: 辨别出不同之处;说出不同之处 - How can you tell the difference between Uncle Bear and Uncle Bad? - I guess Uncle Bear is not bad. Seems like there are so many monsters living in the shadow! What do you think is going to happen to Nelly? Do you think Nelly will be a good baby-sitter? 你觉得Nelly如果照看人类的小孩儿会怎么样? See you next time!