

2017-10-19    04'26''

主播: 熊叔英语

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wechat关注“熊叔英语”,每日推送,享受熊叔每日英语大餐! 我要请假!!! 亲爱的,你热爱你的工作吗? 在这个微凉的深秋,你一次又一次耐住了床的诱惑!成为了办公室的霸主! 可是,你有没有请假的胆量? 快来看看直爽的歪果仁们是怎样请假的吧? 比吃了老坛酸菜牛肉面还酸爽! 比喝了一壶陈酿五粮液还壮胆! 1. …had a casserole in the oven. ……我烤箱里有一盘法式砂锅菜 2. …had undergone cosmetic plastic surgery that needed some “tweaking.” ……我接受了整容手术,需要“稍微调整一下”。 3. …was sitting in the bathroom when her legs and feet fell asleep. When she stood up, she fell over and broke her ankle. ……我坐在浴室里的时候,腿和脚都麻了。站起来的时候不慎摔倒,脚踝骨折了。 4. …had been at a casino all weekend, still had money left on Monday morning, and didn’t want to break his lucky streak. ……我周末去了赌场,周一早上还剩一些钱,不想破坏自己的好运气。 5. …woke up in a good mood and didn’t want to ruin it. ……我早上起床心情舒畅,不想毁掉好心情。 6. …had “gotten lucky” the night before and didn’t know where he was. ……我前一天晚上有“艳遇”,现在不知道自己在哪儿。 7. …got stuck in a blood-pressure machine at the grocery store and couldn’t get out. ……我被食品杂货店的血压计粘住了,无法离开。 8. …had a gall stone she wanted to heal holistically. ……我发现一块胆结石,希望将它完全治愈。 9. …caught his uniform on fire by putting it in the microwave to dry. ……我把制服放到微波炉里烘干,结果制服着火了。 10. …accidentally got on a plane. ……我一不小心上了一架飞机。 不愧是歪果仁,解放天性做的特别赞! 你敢用这样的理由请假吗? 你见过最奇葩的请假理由是什么呢? 今日跟读金句 1 had been at a casino all weekend, still had money left on Monday morning, and didn’t want to break his lucky streak. ……我周末去了赌场,周一早上还剩一些钱,不想破坏自己的好运气。 2 ...had a gall stone she wanted to heal holistically ……我发现一块胆结石,希望将它完全治愈。 3 ....caught his uniform on fire by putting it in the microwave to dry. ……我把制服放到微波炉里烘干,结果制服着火了。