

2017-10-30    06'34''

主播: 熊叔英语

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wechat关注“熊叔英语”,每日推送,享受熊叔每日英语大餐! 01 sting 这个词大家都知道,可以表示“刺”,也指“刺痛”,跟“扎心”的“扎”感觉也是蛮配的。 His words stung her. 他的话刺痛了她。 02 hurt 这个词大家更是再熟悉不过了,可是你会想着要用它来表示吗? 这里表示“使痛心”、“使受伤”,形容被别人深深伤害也还挺合适的~ I was deeply hurt by their refusal to help. 他们不肯帮忙,这一点深深伤害了我。  03 a sore point sore 就是指身体部位的痛处,也指精神上的痛苦,一把辛酸伤心事 It's a sore point that I lost him in the accident. 那次事故中失去他是我永远的痛处。 04 My heart's broken, old fellow Why don’t you trust me? My heart’s broken, old fellow/bro! 为什么不相信我?!扎心了,老铁! 05 touch a raw nerve 戳中别人的痛处,提了不该提的问题;A raw nerve 直译为裸露的神经;Touch a raw nerve,触及裸露的神经,比喻触及某人的痛处。 You touched a raw nerve when you mentioned his first wife. 你提起他的前妻,正戳到了他的痛处。 06 cut sb. to the quick The quick不是用来形容快的,而是意指“嫩肉”,仿佛切到别人的嫩肉般的痛感:把扎心了表现得入木三分 What she said cut me to the quick. 她说的话深深地刺痛了我。 07 rub sb's nose in it   rub sb's nose in it   没有同情心或是对别人有怨恨,总是没完没了地揭伤疤;幸灾乐祸地不断提醒对方正处于不利境地的事实 I know I was wrong, but don’t rub my nose in it. Rubbing my nose in it is not going to correct the mistake. 我认错,可是别天天在我面前说啊!揭我的伤疤又不能弥补损失。 08 tear sb's heart out 这个短语表示把心撕碎,扎心程度不亚于撕心裂肺。 The thought of those poor, hungry children is tearing my heart out. 一想到那些贫穷饥饿的孩子们,我就心碎了。 今日跟读金句 I was deeply hurt by their refusal to help. 他们不肯帮忙,这一点深深伤害了我。  What she said cut me to the quick. 她说的话深深地刺痛了我。 I know I was wrong, but don’t rub my nose in it. Rubbing my nose in it is not going to correct the mistake. 我认错,可是别天天在我面前说啊!揭我的伤疤又不能弥补损失。