

2017-11-01    07'29''

主播: 熊叔英语

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wechat关注“熊叔英语”,每日推送,享受熊叔每日英语大餐! One of the most chilling entries was shared by a Reddit user known as i-am-the-a**butt, who simply wrote: 'My sister says that mommy killed her. Mommy says that I don't have a sister'. 名为“i-am-the-a**butt”的网友写了这样一则简洁而又惊悚的故事:“妹妹说是妈妈杀了她,但妈妈却说我并没有妹妹。” The simple lines leave the reader wondering whether the mother actually killed her other child or if her child is hearing voices. 这简单的两句话留给读者无限想象空间,究竟是这个妈妈杀了自己的另一个孩子还是这个“我”出现了幻听呢? 'My grandmother told me that it was a gift to see the angel of death in front of people's houses, to know that he'd be collecting someone there soon,' the person wrote. 'I thought it was a gift too, up until the day I began to see it in front of every house.' “我奶奶告诉我,有些人天赋异禀,能看见别人家房子前的死亡天使,天使出现意味着他要带走某个人的灵魂了,”但她又写道,“我曾经也觉得这是一种天赋,直到我后来发现每一家的房子前都有死亡天使的存在。”  如果你仔细体会,总会感到瘆人的地方。如果你有胆,就继续看下去吧! 'I kiss my wife and daughter goodnight before I go to sleep. When I wake up, I'm in a padded room and the nurses tell me it was just a dream.' - StoryTellerBob “我亲了亲妻子和女儿,说了晚安然后就去睡觉。但当我醒来,却发现自己在病房里,护士告诉我那只是一个梦而已。” ——“StoryTellerBob” 'His reputation as the best surgeon in the world is well-deserved. In a lesser talent's hands, I would have died weeks ago and escaped his revenge.' - OddSteven “他被誉为世界上最好的外科医生,这绝不是徒有虚名。如果是个技术略差的医生来给我做手术,我早在几周前就该死了,也就不会被他复仇了。” ——OddSteven 'The lady with the mangled bleeding face chased you in the staircase up to the buildings roof. You jump off, turn your head to the right, and see her falling next to you.' - xeuphoriae “一个脸部已血肉模糊的女人追着你,你一路跑上楼顶跳了下去,侧脸看,她竟然就在你身边,和你一起坠落。” ——xeuphoriae 'Neatly laid across my dining room table, I found a dull kitchen knife, a torn, crusty rag, and a Flip video camera which seemed to be recording. I own none of these items.' - NuclearPink “在餐厅的桌子上,有一把很钝的厨刀,一块裂开的已发硬的抹布,还有一个Flip录像机似乎正在录影。但这些东西都不是我的。” ——NuclearPink 'You hear your mom calling you into the kitchen. As you are heading down the stairs you hear a whisper from the closet saying "Don't go down there honey, I heard it too.' - comparativelysane “你听见妈妈在厨房叫你,当你正准备下楼去时,却听见壁橱里传来低语:‘亲爱的别去,我也听见了。’” ——comparativelysane ~今日跟读今句~ I thought it was a gift too, up until the day I began to see it in front of every house. 我曾经也觉得这是一种天赋,直到我后来发现每一家的房子前都有死亡天使的存在。 When I wake up, I'm in a padded room and the nurses tell me it was just a dream.' 但当我醒来,却发现自己在病房里,护士告诉我那只是一个梦而已。 You jump off, turn your head to the right, and see her falling next to you. 你一路跑上楼顶跳了下去,侧脸看,她竟然就在你身边,和你一起坠落。