

2017-11-08    01'52''

主播: 熊叔英语

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wechat关注“熊叔英语”,每日推送,享受熊叔每日英语大餐! Personality Quiz ARE YOU CYNICAL ABOUT LOVE? TAKE THIS QUIZ AND FIND OUT. 1 Your friend gives you an invitation to a Valentine’s Day party. What is your reaction? a. I’m really excited, but I’ll need to find someone to accompany me. b. I’ll put the invitation to the side and forget about it until the night of the party. c. Great! I can see all my old friends and catch up on all the latest gossip. d. I’ll have to invent an excuse why I can’t go – I hate Valentine’s Day parties. 2 What is your definition of Valentine’s Day? a. It’s a day of true love. b. It’s 14th February and that’s it. c. It’s a day of friendship. d. It doesn’t appear on my calendar – in fact I’ve erased it with a permanent black marker pen. 3 A friend, Bob, recently broke up with his partner and wants some advice. What do you say? a. “This is a tragedy. You need to cry for six days, wear black clothing for a month and leave the country.” b. “Don’t worry about it. There are plenty more fish in the sea.” c. “This is a great opportunity to spend some more time with your friends. d. “Love is a con and only exists in fairytales, so stop worrying about it.” 4 What is your ideal first date? a. A romantic dinner on a boat down the Seine with a band playing romantic songs. b. A film that we both agree on and a restaurant that serves tasty but economical food. c. A wild party with my friends. d. A pizza, then it’s back to my place alone for an action adventure movie. 5 What does it mean to have someone to love? a. You can share every moment of your life with that person. b. There’s someone there to help you in your moments of need, and to help pay the bills. c. You’ve got someone to accompany you when you go out with your friends. d. I don’t know, and I don't care. Results If you answered… mostly a’s Hopeless romantic You love “love”. However, you are somewhat over-the-top and very cheesy. You have high expectations for love. Beware! mostly b’s Practical dater You prefer a much more practical approach to love. mostly c’s Full-time friend You love your friends, and don’t spend a lot of time thinking about dating other people. mostly d’s Bitter critter You hate Valentine’s Day and have a negative approach to love.