

2017-11-09    04'26''

主播: 熊叔英语

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wechat关注“熊叔英语”,每日推送,享受熊叔每日英语大餐! If you feel a twinge of jealousy each time you read about another successful person who wakes up at 4 a.m. to meditate, jog, read a novel, and eat two grapefruits, take heart. You don't have to add three leisurely hours to your morning routine to be happy or productive. In fact, plenty of the habits that can help you start your day- take five minutes or less. 是否在你每次读到关于某位成功人士早晨四点起床、冥想、慢跑、读小说、吃两瓣葡萄柚时,就会十分嫉妒呢?那就请你振作起来吧。你不必再花三个宝贵的钟头来做早晨那些琐事,就为开心或者效率更高些。事实上,很多习惯可以帮您开启新的一天,而且只需五分钟的时间或者连五分钟都用不了。 Below, find some of the simplest routines to tackle your day feeling refreshed and ready to tackle whatever challenges come your way. 下面,就是一些最简单的小事,这些小事可以让你一天都感觉精神抖擞并且能帮你拥有时刻做好应对挑战的积极状态。 Write down three things you're grateful for 写下三件你感恩的事情 Think about what you already have in your life. Don't focus only on material things (such as a car or computer), but rather think in more simple or basic terms. For example, you might express gratitude for friends, family, or your education. 想想你所拥有的。不要只集中在物质方面(如车或者电脑),而是要想那些更简单的或者更基本的名目。比如,你可以对你所拥有的朋友,家人或者所受的教育表示一下感恩。 Think about what would make today great 想象一下什么事情可以让这一天变得很棒 Write one sentence about something that, if it were to happen, would make you feel like today will be a positive, productive, unique day. It can be something as simple as going to bed before midnight or spending an hour doing something you love. 用一个句子描述一件事情,这件事情如果发生就会让你感觉今天是个积极向上的、高效率的、独特的一天。这可能简单如午夜之前就寝或者花个把小时做自己喜爱做的事情。一旦你弄明白到底是什么会让你感觉开心且有成就感,你就可以将它付诸实施。 Meditate 冥想 Science suggests meditation has myriad benefits, from helping you deal with stress and negative emotions, to boosting your memory, to strengthening your immune system. But meditation doesn't necessarily mean sitting in silence for hours on end. Sitting for five minutes to detach from the thoughts of your mind will have a profound impact on your day. 科学显示冥想有很多好处,可以帮你减轻压力,舒缓消极情绪,提高记忆力还可以增强你的免疫系统。但冥想不等于默默地坐上几个小时。坐上五分钟,并且让思维游离开去会给你的一天带来深远的影响。 Exercise 锻炼 Take five minutes of exercise right after you wake up. Working out before you eat breakfast can help you lose weight and boost your energy levels. 醒来后锻炼五分钟。早餐之前锻炼一下可以帮你减肥,并且可以提高你的能量水平。 Make your bed 铺床 Making your bed can help increase your productivity for the rest of the day. That's because it's a key stone habit that can spark chain reactions that help other good habits take hold. 铺床这种习惯的力量可以提高你一天的效率。那是因为铺床就是一个关键的,可以引发连锁反应的习惯,它能帮你抓住其他的好习惯。 Prioritize 优先选择 Write a list of things you want to accomplish that day. That way, you'll have a clear set of priorities to guide your work for the next few hours.Careful planning boosts your chances of achieving your goals. 列一张你要完成的事情的清单。那样的话,你将有一个明确的优先安排,指导你接下来几个小时的工作。精心的计划安排可以提高你达成目标的效率。 Visualize the rest of the day 预想一下其余时光 Simply picture your short- and long-term goals, and affirm your abilities to complete these goals. Spend your morning commute telling yourself a detailed story about the rest of the day. 简单设想一下你短期或者长期的目标,并确定你能完成它们。利用早晨通勤的时间来思考一下接下来的一天会发生什么。 今日跟读金句 You don't have to add three leisurely hours to your morning routine to be happy or productive. 你不必再花三个宝贵的钟头来做早晨那些琐事,就为开心或效率更高些。 Take five minutes of exercise right after you wake up. 醒来后锻炼五分钟 Making your bed can help increase your productivity for the rest of the day. 铺床这种习惯的力量可以提高你一天的效率。