

2017-11-15    06'28''

主播: 熊叔英语

182 8

wechat关注“熊叔英语”,每日推送,享受熊叔每日英语大餐! 8 HORROR WORDS! 1 Petrified If you’re “petrified”, you’re very frightened of something. “He’s petrified of snakes and spiders.” 2 Bloodcurdling A “bloodcurdling” scream is frightening and horrible. “We heard a bloodcurdling scream coming from the basement.” 3.Curse If there’s a “curse” on you, a supernatural power causes bad things to happen to you. “I think there’s a curse on my family – six of my relatives died last year.” 4. Spell If a witch casts a “spell”, she puts a magical power on a situation or person. “The witch cast a spell on the princess, causing her to fall into a deep sleep.” 5 Jinxed If you’re “jinxed”, you’re very unlucky and bad things keep happening to you. “I think I must be jinxed – every time I take the car to work, something bad happens.” 6 Morbid Someone with a “morbid” interest in something has a strange interest in unpleasant things, often things related to death. “He’s got a morbid fascination with crime and serial killers.” 7 Gruesome Something “gruesome” is extremely unpleasant and shocking. “There were a series of gruesome murders in the tiny town.” 8 Supernatural If someone has “supernatural” powers, they can do incredible things that appear to be impossible or that defy scientific laws. “He had a large group of followers and many believed that he was possessed with supernatural powers, such as the ability to cure the sick.” We have learnt: 1 Petrified 2 Bloodcurdling 3.Curse 4. Spell 5 Jinxed 6 Morbid 7 Gruesome 8 Supernatural