

2017-11-21    04'40''

主播: 熊叔英语

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wechat关注“熊叔英语”,每日推送,享受熊叔每日英语大餐! 我们是“铁闺蜜”还是“塑料花友情”? 好闺蜜是生活必不可少的,与闺蜜们一同玩耍让我们的生活变得更加快乐。然而,有一些友谊不但对我们不但没有帮助,甚至是有害的。注意下面这些迹象,不要让他们给你带来不必要或更严重的伤害。 1. They always seem to be focusing on the negative side of things 他们总是注意事情的消极面 Friends share the ups and downs of their lives with each other. However, friends who are toxic tend to always talk about how everything that is bad without seeing any of the good. 朋友应该彼此分享生活中的起起落落,然而,那些“有毒”的朋友总是谈论事物坏的一面。 They tend to ignore all the good which makes you ignore it as well bringing your mood and motivation down. 他们习惯性的忽略好的方面,也让你忽略事物好的方面,从而心情低落没有动力。 2.They never listen to any of your problems 他们从不倾听你的任何问题 They always call you when something is wrong with them but never seem to have time for you when you have a problem. They expect you to be there for them when something goes wrong but are nowhere to be found when you need help. 他们出现了问题总是来找你,但是到你需要他们的时候他们却没有时间给你。他们希望当发生一些糟糕的事情时你在他们旁边,但是当你需要帮助时却找不到他们。 3.They get mad at you easily 他们很容易对你生气 Toxic friends seem to always get angry with you for the smallest things you do. Any argument that you have always leaves you feeling guilty and apologetic. Friends like this are toxic because they aren’t able to work out problems in amateur way.“有毒”的朋友似乎很容易因为你做的一些小事生气。这些争吵总是让你感觉内疚和负罪。像这样的朋友有害是因为他们无法用一个成熟的方法解决问题。 4.They aren’t happy for your success 他们不为你的成功开心 People who love you will be happy when they see your happiness. It’s important for friends to be happy for each other and celebrate each other’s good fortune to maintain healthy, supportive relationships. 爱你的人看到你幸福他们也会开心。朋友为彼此感到开心并能一起庆祝彼此的好运是一件很重要的事,帮助建立健康,互相支持的关系。 Friends who don’t appreciate your success and celebrate with you are friends who are toxic to your life. 不欣赏你的成功而且也不愿意和你一起庆贺的朋友对你的生活也有害。 5.They always want to talk about themselves 他们总是想要谈论自己 Friends like this always seem to be talking about their accomplishments. They never think to ask about you or your life, and it seems like they don’t really care. 这样的朋友总是谈论自己的成就。他们从不想问你或者你的生活,好像他们也不在乎。 6.They don’t care enough to keep in touch 他们不在意维持联系 You find yourself being the only one reaching out, while they seem uninterested in maintaining the relationship. This is toxic because to have a healthy life you should engage in mutually fulfilling relationships with people who care about you as much as you care about them. 你发现总是你主动,而他们对维系这段关系显得漠不关心。这样的关系是有害的是因为你的生活需要健康的交往关系,需要双方投入,需要对方能像你关心他一样关心你。 7.They never consider your feelings 他们从不考虑你的感受 They do things to benefit themselves even if it means your feelings are being compromised. You should surround yourself with people who don’t better themselves at the expense of others. 他们做事只考虑自己的利益,即使那意味着你必须妥协退让。你应该和那些不以牺牲别人的感受来提升自己的人在一起。 8.They pressure you to do things you don’t want to do 他们迫使你做你不想做的事 When you’re around them, they pressure you into doing things you aren’t comfortable and make you feel like a loser when you don’t do them. 当你在他们身边时,他们让你做一些你感觉不舒服的事,而且让你感觉你不做就是一个失败者。 今日跟读金句 They expect you to be there for them when something goes wrong but are nowhere to be found when you need help. 他们希望当发生一些糟糕的事情时你在他们旁边,但是当你需要帮助时却找不到他们。 Friends like this always seem to be talking about their accomplishments. 这样的朋友总是谈论自己的成就。 You should surround yourself with people who don’t better themselves at the expense of others. 你应该和那些不以牺牲别人的感受来提升自己的人在一起。