

2017-11-24    04'36''

主播: 熊叔英语

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wechat关注“熊叔英语”,每日推送,享受熊叔每日英语大餐! 辛苦了一周的上班狗和上学狗, 此时此刻最幸福~ 因为明个就是周末了 大好周末,若不计划做点什么 在家里呆着简直是浪费生命! 这个周末我一定要做有意义的事 可是..... 理想很丰满但是现实很骨感, 你的周末就变成了这样.... 01 【Expectation】I'm so going to cook myself an awesome big meal. 【理想】我一定要给自己做一顿大餐! 【Reality】Hello, yes I'd like a Chicken Salami Pizza with extra cheese. Don’t forget the garlic bread. 【现实】喂,您好!我要一份加芝士的鸡肉香肠披萨!对了,还有一份蒜蓉面包! 02 【Expectation】 OMG, we need to go to try this new place it’s all the way on the other end of town, but it’s kickass! 【理想】你造吗?听说南城新开了一地儿,特别棒!咱必须得去看看! 【Reality】 Hey, why don’t you get some beers and come home, I’ll download the movie. 【现实】喂!要不你买点儿啤酒来我家吧!我把电影下载下来! 03 【Expectation】I’m finally going to clean my room and find my lost key/card’. 【理想】我今天一定要搞一次大扫除!把我找不到的那个钥匙/卡片全都翻出来! 【Reality】 Drops breadcrumbs from the aforementioned pizza, clothes from cupboard and empties contents from bag to look for lipstick. ‘Oh well, clean on Monday then. 【现实】披萨渣掉落一地,翻箱倒柜地找唇膏。唉。。。算了,周一再收拾吧! 04 【Expectation】 I’m going to do all my laundry today and iron the creases out of even my underwears. 【梦想】我今天一定要洗干净所有的衣服,并且把所有的褶子都熨平!连内裤也要熨! 【Reality】 *Monday morning* ‘I can invert my chads inside out and wear them, right?’ 【现实】周一早上。。。矮油,翻过来还是可以继续穿的嘛~ 05 【Expectation】I’m going to buy myself new pants this weekend, because the hole in my current ones just got a lot bigger 【理想】我这周末要去买条新裤子,我们现在那条的洞已经越来越大了。 【Reality】 Sunday 11:59pm- Downloads shopping apps on phone 【现实】赶在周日的最后一分钟,在手机上下载了一个网购APP. 06 【Expectation:】I’m going to go to the Gym twice in a day this weekend! 【理想】我这周末准备一天去两次健身房! 【Reality】I did 5 and a half crunches on the bed, that counts for a lot. 【现实】在床上做了5个半仰卧起坐,真是厉害死了呢! 07 【Expectation】 I’m going to finish this book i’ve been reading. 【梦想】我今天必须看完这本书! 【Reality】Ends up looking through gossip columns online, all day long 【现实】看了一整天八卦新闻。。。一。。。整。。。天。。。 是不是中枪了哈? 别怕, 因为。。。 大家都一样 今日跟读金句 Hey, why don’t you get some beers and come home, I’ll download the movie. 喂!要不你买点儿啤酒来我家吧!我把电影下载下来! *Monday morning* ‘I can invert my chads inside out and wear them, right?’ 周一早上。。。矮油,翻过来还是可以继续穿的嘛~ Ends up looking through gossip columns online, all day long. 看了一整天八卦新闻。。。一。。。整。。。天。。。