

2017-11-29    05'45''

主播: 熊叔英语

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wechat关注“熊叔英语”,每日推送,享受熊叔每日英语大餐! 乎每个人都有吃零食的习惯,虽然我们都知道零食是不健康的代名词.... 营养学家、美国营养与饮食学会注册营养师、媒体发言人金姆·拉森(Kim Larson)对我们常吃的零食按照健康程度做了一个排序。 今天我们就一起来看看这份从最健康到最不健康的零食榜单 7 什锦干果 Trail mix "Trail mix can be healthy, especially if you make your own with healthier cereals, nuts, seeds, dried fruit," Larson said. 拉森说:“什锦干果会比较健康,尤其是用健康的谷物、坚果、蔬果籽和果干自制的。” 6 冰冻水果棒(用整个水果制成) Frozen fruit bars (made with whole fruit) According to Larson, "These types of refreshing snacks with no added sugars are a better choice for the summer than ice cream." 据拉森所说,“这些清新宜人的零食,不添加糖分,在夏日里是比冰淇淋更好的选择”。 5 水果味冻酸奶 Fruit-flavored yogurt parfaits "These are not the healthiest yogurt choice because of the sugary fruit and granolas or 'crunch' they often add to these portable store-bought yogurt parfaits," Larson said. "Not the worst choice, but not the best either because of the added sugar content." 拉森说:“要吃酸奶,水果味冻酸奶并不是最健康的选择,因为从商店里买到的冻酸奶里面通常添加了高糖分的水果、麦片或其他香脆的食物,这些额外的糖分使得水果冻酸奶虽不至为最糟糕的选择,但绝对不是最佳的选择。” 4 冷冻的零食(披萨卷、软香椒盐卷饼等) Frozen snack foods (pizza rolls, soft pretzels, etc.) "These are high in sodium, and often high in saturated fats and calories," Larson said. 拉森指出:“这些食物都含有大量的钠,而且饱和脂肪和卡路里的含量通常也很高。” 3 糕点及烘焙食物 Pastries and bakery items According to Larson, "Items like bakery breads have no fiber or minerals because they are so refined. They can also be very high in calories." 据拉森说,“烘焙面包这类食物不含纤维和矿物质,因为它们都过于精制,而且它们的卡路里含量也很高。” 2 麦片、麦片棒和能量棒 Granola, granola bars, and energy bars "Most of these are glorified candy bars with few healthy ingredients," Larson said. "Most of these are high in added sugars and total fat; some even have saturated fats (the kind we are supposed to keep to less than 10% of our total calories) and very little nutrition." 拉森指出,“这些美其名曰麦片棒、能量棒的食物不过是糖果棒,营养成分极少。大多数此类食物添加的糖分和总脂肪含量都很高,有些甚至含有饱和脂肪(我们认为饱和脂肪占卡路里总量的比例应小于10%),而且只含有微量营养成分”。 "It's better to make your own granola where you can control the ingredients, sugar, and amount of oils used in making them," she adds. 她还说:“最好自制麦片,因为制作时可以自己控制原料、糖分以及油的用量。” 1 薯片、薄脆饼干、玉米酥 Potato chips, crackers, corn puffs According to Larson, "These snacks are filled with air and loaded with sodium, fat, and calories." "Most of these have virtually no nutrition or fiber in them because they are so highly processed." 据拉森所言,“这些零食包装内充满空气,而且饱含钠、脂肪和卡路里。这些食物大多数不含营养和纤维物质,因为它们都是过度加工制成的”。 "Junk foods like these should be looked at as a very once-in-a-while indulgence — not a regular snack choice." “这些垃圾食品,可以在偶尔放纵的时候吃一点,千万不能经常作为零食来吃。” 今日跟读金句 These types of refreshing snacks with no added sugars are a better choice for the summer than ice cream. 这些清新宜人的零食,不添加糖分,在夏日里是比冰淇淋更好的选择。 Not the worst choice, but not the best either because of the added sugar content (酸奶)虽不至为最糟糕的选择,但绝对不是最佳的选择 Junk foods like these should be looked at as a very once-in-a-while indulgence — not a regular snack choice. 这些垃圾食品,可以在偶尔放纵的时候吃一点,千万不能经常作为零食来吃。