

2017-12-04    03'24''

主播: 熊叔英语

145 7

wechat关注“熊叔英语”,每日推送,享受熊叔每日英语大餐! Every culture and region has habits and customs that outsiders find odd. Here is a list of some strange Chinese habits in foreigners' eyes. 不同的文化和地域都有自己独特的习俗,外国人自然会觉得我们的想法很诡异。今天熊叔和大家一起看看我们有哪些让歪果仁都懵圈的生活习惯吧! Part 1 Your mom's always convinced it's too cold without a jacket outside. 有一种冷叫做"你妈觉得你冷"...... Part 2 They do this when buying a watermelon at the fruit aisle 买西瓜之前为什么要拍?还一脸严肃?能拍出娃??? Part 3 Your relatives stuff you with awesome food. And they don't hesitate to comment when your waistline ballooned. 吃饭时你的家人:接着吃啊大宝儿!吃鸡吃鸭吃鱼!才三碗饭饱啥饱! 吃完饭你的家人:天天就知道吃吃吃,说你胖还真拿自己当猪了? Part 4 Some distant cousin or family friend's son/daughter is always being trotted out as a paragon of perfection that you're falling short of. “别人家的孩子”始终对自己的家庭地位产生威胁...... Part 5 White rabbit milk candy. You eat the "plastic" too. 你们居然连奶糖外面的塑料袋都吃?! Part 6 You use your index finger to measure how much water to put in rice. 你们煮饭就煮饭,为嘛还要插手指?测毒吗?! Part 7 You NEVER let a grocery bag go to waste. 家里总是有一辈子也用不完的塑料袋...... Part 8 They order hot water at restaurants. 去饭店也离不开热水! Part 9 The remote control is wrapped in plastic wrap. 中国的遥控器能吃吗?为什么要裹保鲜膜?? Part 10 Everyone is your aunt or uncle, but you have no idea if they are actually related to you. 叔叔婶婶伯伯伯母一大堆,其实你一个都不认识 你还知道哪些 让外国人蒙圈的习俗? 欢迎留言告诉熊叔 今日跟读金句 1 White rabbit milk candy. You eat the "plastic" too. 你们居然连奶糖外面的塑料袋都吃?! 2 They order hot water at restaurants. 去饭店也离不开热水! 3 Everyone is your aunt or uncle, but you have no idea if they are actually related to you. 叔叔婶婶伯伯伯母一大堆,其实你一个都不认识