

2018-03-30    02'13''

主播: 熊叔英语

146 7

weixin搜索“熊叔英语”,和熊叔每日乐学英语! 六成以上90后睡眠不足 北京为起床最早城市 More than 60% of people born in 1990s do not get enough sleep, with those living in Beijing among those waking up earliest, a survey shows. Chinese Medical Doctor Association&`&s sleep medicine specialized committee released the data from the lastest survey about sleeping patterns across the world, before the 18th World Sleep Day on March 21. The survey on Chinese born in 1990s showed their average sleep time is 7.5 hours. 31.1% of post-90s people sleep late and wake up late, while 30.9% sleep late and wake up early and only 17.5% sleep early and wake up early. Moreover, only 28.2% wake up naturally. Nationwide, post-90s people living in Shanghai sleep earliest, while those in Shenzhen are most unwilling to go to bed. As a contrast to Beijing, Zhuhai is the city with the latest wake-up time. If you want sound sleep, think twice when choosing a job........