

2016-11-21    05'41''

主播: 口语大魔王

706 10

Round One 首先外国人比起中国人来说,说话更加的直接,更加的“露骨”,所以第一句上来就直接命中要害吧:“你造吗,伦家好想好想你去恋爱一下下啦。 那用英语怎么说呢? You know, we just want you to find someone. find someone就是找到伴侣。 你想想,当有人来劝你的时候,你一般的心里活动是什么?我kiao,还来劝老娘?你真把自己当“天使”啦? 对应英文: I'm not having this conversation with you. have conversation with就是和你聊天,加个not,就是不愿意。 Round Two 这时候,拥有八卦和智慧双眼的你,马上告诉闺蜜,那个“吴彦祖”对你巧有意思,你应该和他约会! That 吴彦祖 is totally into you. You should go out with him. into somebody, 对XX有意思 go out,出去玩 那作为中国好闺蜜的你,四不四要假装矜持一下,所以你就说:姐姐也不需要你当红娘啦,我有工作,我还有你,我很好!(语调一定要high,不然别人会觉得你太假了哦) I don't need you to be cupid. I got my job, I got you, I'm good. cupid是丘比特,stupid是傻逼,千万别念错了。 Round Three 作为人生赢家,这时候你只能“以身试法”告诉对方,你特别希望她幸福。 I know that's great. Now that I'm falling in love with someone, I just want you to have the same thing. fall in love with陷入爱河 have the same thing 有同样的客户体验 now that看做一个整体,引导原因状语从句