给那些我爱的人  理查德森

给那些我爱的人 理查德森

2017-06-05    02'55''

主播: 雨竹之声

60 1

感谢收听,期待你对本期节目的评论留言哦~ 《给那些我爱的人》 作者:伊斯洛·帕斯柯·理查德森 朗读:雨竹 背景音乐:梦幻曲 如果我必须要离开你 我的爱人 我必须独自走上这条安静的道路 请不要悲痛 也不要落泪 尽管笑着和我交谈吧 就好像我还站在你的身旁 当你听到一首歌曲 或者看到我喜欢的一只鸟 请不要因此而悲伤地想起我 因为我依然爱着你 仿若从前 你是如此的善良 有许多的事我想为你做 有许多的话我还没有说 但是请你记住 我从未害怕过 那没有你的世界 我所面对的未来 我们注定无法看到未来 但是我知道 我是如此爱你 和你一起走过的日子 就是天堂........ To Those I Love By Isla Paschal Richardson If I should ever leave you whom I love To go along the Silent Way, Grieve not, Nor speak of me with tears, But laugh and talk of me as if I were beside you there. ( I'd come - I'd come, could I but find a way! But would not tears and grief be barriers? ) And when you hear a song Or see a bird I loved, Please do not let the thought of me be sad... For I am loving you just as I always have... You were so good to me! There are so many things I wanted still to do - So many things to say to you ... Remember that I did not fear ... It was Just leaving you that was so hard to face ... We cannot see Beyond... But this I know: I love you so - 'twas heaven here with you!