simon口语天天练|be full of oneself

simon口语天天练|be full of oneself

2016-08-04    02'35''

主播: Simon✨

153 6

Be full of,充满了。。。 be full of oneself:自以为是,只顾自己。 You are full of yourself. He is full of himself. She is full of herself. 她有点自以为是,一点儿都不关心其他人。 She is full of herself, and doesn’t care about others at all. 你太自以为是了,我简直受不了你的嚣张。 You are so full of yourself. I am sick of your arrogance. 别只顾自己,要学会融入。 Don’t be full of yourself. You have to learn to fit in.