

2015-12-12    00'59''

主播: 逸卓教育唐志云

45 3

(Click it~baby) ——Sofia, Hi. Uh, I've got something to tell you. ——I’ve got something to tell you. You do take my breath away, you make my heart beat faster, you make my (?). But that doesn’t mean I don’t love you. It means I do. ——Sometimes your heart knows things your mind can't explain, and my heart...doesn't race anyone else. ——I love you, Sofia. It's, um, Daniel, by the way. 我要告诉你,你确实让我无法呼吸,你让我心跳加速,你让我(?)。但这并不意味着我不爱你,而是我爱你!有时候你的心知道一些东西而你的脑子却无法解释,现在我的心……已经容不下其他人了,我爱你……(超级经典,适合背诵!) (男主角并没有面对面的跟那个girl表白,这是公司在开party的时候,他一个人静静地回到自己的办公室,给那个girl电话留言。看的时候觉得很感动。) Movie Quiz : what is the word in the (?) ?