参赛编号为ICREHSZ724+My First
This student did a great job reading! Their energy, intonation, and emphasis made the story sound very natural. The student did have several errors with enunciation (that is, the words were not clear,and two syllable words often sounded like one syllable, as in #s 1, 5, 9). Also, they tend to delete consonants at the end of the word (#s 3, 4, 5, 7). A third common error dealt with stress placement (#s 2, 6, 9). Because the student is consistent in his errors, these will be easy to improve with training.
1. tired – sounds like tied
2. DOOR knob– sounds like door KNOB
3. hall – sounds like haw
4. one – sounds like wuh
5. dial – sounds like die
6. ADdress – adDRESS
7. help – sounds like hep
8. kitchen – sounds like keechen
9. police – sounds like peace