This student had consistent pronunciation and correctly spoke most of the words. Their most difficult sound to pronounce is the /sh/ sound. Often, the student will reduce this sound to an /s/, as in examples 3-7. Another error that the student tended to make was related to sentence stress, as can be seen in examples 1 and 2 below.
1. Today MY class – stress should be on “class”
2. No one else wants TO – stress should be on “wants”
3. Fish – sounded like fis
4. Horseshoe – sounded like horse-sue
5. ship – sounded like sip
6. shark – sounded like sark
7. splash – sounded like splas
8. lunch – sounded like lunts
9. There are – not clear
10. not – sounded like note
11. like – sounded like lack
12. sit – sounded like seat