ICRDCRN818+Level 1 第七周入围

ICRDCRN818+Level 1 第七周入围

2016-08-23    02'07''

主播: 陪你读书童书推荐

435 4

She has difficulty pronouncing the /w/ sound, as can be seen in numbers 2-5 below. To produce the right sound, she should round her lips more. She also had difficulty differentiating the /uh/ vowel from /a/. 1. Museum – stress should be on ‘se’, she stressed ‘mu’ 2. Want – sounds like vant 3. Wishes – sounds like vishes 4. Away – not clear 5. You – w deleted 6. Honk – k deleted 7. Rocks – should be /a/ vowel, she said /uh/ 8. Guns – should be /uh/ vowel, she said /a/ 9. Dinosaur – sounds like Dinersaur