

2021-03-09    01'32''

主播: 冯河

19 1

【学习笔记】(137) 《亲知》 • 亲知 Knowledge from Personal Experience 亲身获得的知识。“亲知”是墨家提出的一种知识类别,同时也标志着一种认知方式。墨家认为,知识的获取有三种方式,即“亲知”“闻知”“说知”。“亲知”指通过亲身的观察和经历而认知事物,是一种直接的认知方式。 Knowledge from personal experience is a type of knowledge and a way of acquiring it proposed by the Mohist School. In their opinion, knowledge is gained in three ways: by personal experience, by hearsay, and by explanation. Learning from personal experience means learning by examining or getting involved with things. It is a direct way of gaining knowledge. 引例 Citations: ◎知,闻、说、亲。(《墨子 • 经上》) 知,分为闻知、说知、亲知。 Knowing comes from hearsay, explanation, or personal experience. (Mozi) ◎身观焉,亲也。(《墨子 • 经说上》) 亲身观察经历而知,就是“亲知”。 Observing something oneself is knowing by personal experience. (Mozi)