20161106【英语好词好句随便听】第17期:slack off

20161106【英语好词好句随便听】第17期:slack off

2016-11-06    04'51''

主播: 认真的狐狸

216 9

【尘埃造星】之【英语口语写作好词好句随便听】由认真的狐狸及【黑料学习青春版】(微信公众号:insidelearning2) 特别提供。 愿你:活时尽兴,去时无羁 【好词 】 slack off 【好句】It&`&s about time you stopped slacking off and did some work. 【好句分解】 slack  [slæk] n.  (s-la-ck) (slag, black) slack off: Don&`&t slack off in your studies. work   [wɜ:rk](w-or-k)                                                                                  【福利】 It&`&s about time + 过去时, 或者It&`&s about time to do sth It&`&s about time to eat lunch. it's about time  you  were  in  bed.