20161028【英语好词好句随便听】第33期:work ethic

20161028【英语好词好句随便听】第33期:work ethic

2016-11-28    06'32''

主播: 认真的狐狸

281 9

五分钟日常节目【英语好词好句随便听】 本节目由认真的狐狸(weixin: ninjiaromantic)及【黑料学习青春版】(insidelearning2) 每天推送。 愿你:做最美好的鲜肉和最靠谱的老司机~ 【好词】 work ethic 【好句】 Every employee, from the CEO to entry-level workers, must have a good work ethic to keep the company functioning at its peak. 【好句分解】 CEO  (Chief Executive Officer)executive [ɪɡˈzɛkjətɪv] senior sales executive 高级销售总监 employee [ɪmˈplɔɪi:] n.c. entry-level entry  [ˈɛntri]n.c. have a good work ethic ethic  [ˈɛθɪk] function at its peak ​function [ˈfʌŋkʃən]n.c./v.i. function at its peak; functions