

2017-04-29    05'43''

主播: 认真的狐狸

2224 10

Climate change is not just a change in the global temperature; it is also a change in the weather. Scientists say we can expect more extreme weather events 1) along with some areas seeing more rains and flooding, while other areas getting hotter, drier and more likely to get droughts and forest fires. “Climate change has a broad 2) impact on health, both through the direct effect that climate change has on extreme weather—heat waves to heavy rainfall events and 3) associated flooding, coastal storms, hurricanes—but also indirectly, in the way that it 4) alters disease ecology, or ecosystems that are important in maintaining a 5) healthy environment.” Scientists are seeing more heavy rains in some regions, drought in others. The rain can create flood plains where mosquitoes 6) breed, and storms, floods and droughts can create conditions resulting in water-and mosquito-borne diseases. Scientists expect storms and floods to 7) increase the spread of cholera in developing countries as flooding creates contaminated water. Other research concerns the spread of malaria. A larger portion of Africa than 8) previously predicted is now at high risk for malaria transmission, according to a new University of Florida mapping study. Malaria will arrive in new areas, the research 9) suggests, posting a risk to new populations and will require changes in 10) managing public health. The study also shows that some parts of Africa will become too hot for malaria.