

2017-05-15    10'13''

主播: 认真的狐狸

168 4

本节目由认真的狐狸(majimenafox)及【黑料学习】(insidelearning2)特别提供。可以通过以上微信号找到我哟。 The chocolate cake looks really great, but I have to watch my weight.  【词语点睛】 watch (vt) 留意,当心某事, 提防某人某物等。 watch my weight  watch yourself 小心地滑, 注意脚下:Watch your step.  watch your mouth. (= be carefull of what you say.) 【挑战】想一想,上面的这些词组和词语可以使用在什么样的场合呢?和什么样的人说话的时候会用上呢?请把你想到的写下来。 If you are referring to my winning the English speech contest, I don't think it's such a big deal.  【词语点睛】 refer to= mean English speech contest big deal It's not a big deal.  What's the big deal? (有什么好大惊小怪的?) 【挑战】想一想,上面的这些词组和词语可以使用在什么样的场合呢?和什么样的人说话的时候会用上呢?请把你想到的写下来。 Oh, yes, that's our busiest time. I get Wednesday off.  【词语点睛】 get.... (某一天) off It's my day off.  I was off with the flu yesterday.  You look tired; you should take