

2017-05-31    11'35''

主播: 认真的狐狸

310 7

本节目由【认真的狐狸】及【黑料学习】特别提供,你可以通过insidelearning2来搜索【黑料学习青春版】的微信公众号哟。 1. I just read in the newspaper that The Lord of Rings is this year's greatest hit.  【点睛】 I just read in the newspaper 是听力中常见表达,意思是“ 在报纸上看到的”。hit是这句话的考点,是一个熟词僻义,在这里的意思是“大热,大热门”。 a hit record/ a hit single/ a hit show Michael Jackson produced many hit records.  【挑战】想想今年最热的流行穿着,最热的网络流行语是什么? 这两个词又应该怎么说呢? 2. As far as I know, no such drugs are ever known to work.  【点睛】 as far as I know, 是在口语中希望表明自己观点的时候常用到的句子开头,意思是: 据我所知,当听到as far as I know 那么离说话人观点就不远了,应该竖起耳朵仔细听。drug在口语中意思与medicine是一样的,work 与其搭配使用就是“有疗效,有效果”的意思。 【超易错发音】 work  [wɜ:rk]; walk [wɔ:k]; wok [wɒk] 3. My friend Leo makes up weak and poor excuses whenever there is something he doesn't want to do.  【点睛】 make up “补偿,弥补”,在这里的意思是找借口: make up excueses , 这个借口还很烂: make up weak and poor excuses.  【联想】 make up 的意思还比较丰富,比如有“ 和解,和好”: Let's make up. “整理,收拾”: You should mkae up your bed every morning. 再比如“打扮,化妆,捯饬”: She made up her face to look prettier.