

2017-09-11    30'44''

主播: 凯院TV

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The World Of English Outlook : Disney will build Star Wars theme park! 迪士尼要建造《星球大战》主题乐园~ 嗨翻啦! 导读:哈喽,亲爱的听众朋友们,相隔一个暑假我们终于又相约了!虽然已经上课一周了,但是大家是不是还在对咱们愉快的假期意犹未尽呢?大家的假期想必都过得不错吧,有没有把那些好玩有趣的事情记录下来呢?在暑假期间咱们的迪士尼也是给我们带来了一个让人非常激动的消息!那么,今天的英语世界OutLook板块,就来跟大家来一起分享这个好消息! The highly-anticipated star wars theme park model was revealed this week at the D23 expo in anaheim, california. The exhibition was open to star war fans who were introduced to a miniature world of the classic space-themed film series. The grand opening which has stirred up much excitement from die-hard followers serves as an introduction the park which is set open 2019. 在迪士尼D23的展览会上,迪士尼公布了在美国加利福尼亚州阿纳海姆市建造万众期待的《星球大战》主题公园的消息。而且此次展会是针对“星战”影迷开放的,用大量的模型向影迷们展示了这以太空为主题的系列电影里经典的场景。此次盛大的开场已经让狂热粉们兴奋不已了,虽然这只是介绍,但是“星战”主题公园的开放时间离我们也不会太遥远,预计于2019年对外开放。 The star wars themed park is currently underway at the anaheim park and in disney’s hollywood studios in orlando, and will be open to the public in 2019. The 14-acre site will be the largest themed expansion in disney’s history.Bob Chapek said,”to say we are excited for the star wars-themed lands to open in 2019 is an understatement, chairman of walt disney parks and resorts “ “星战”主题公园目前在加州阿纳海姆市和佛罗里达州奥兰多的两座乐园内建造,该园占地14英亩,将成为迪士尼主题公园史上最大的主题公园。华特迪士尼乐园和度假区主席包正博表示,2019年将要开放《星球大战》主题公园,用‘兴奋’一词来形容大家的心情是完全都不够的。 All along, we have said this will be game-changing, and through the model we can begin to see how truly epic these immersive new worlds will be.’ 一直以迪士尼都在强调着这个主题公园会不落俗套,而通过此次的展览出的模型我们就能看出这个新世界将来会有多宏大。TV Time:The hero is coming 蜘蛛侠之英雄归来 导读:听完上面的消息星际迷们应是开心到飞起来了吧,在小编的心目中,除了迪士尼公司的系列动画是心头肉之外,还有就是那些超级英雄了。上个周末也上新了蜘蛛侠的最新电影,9月8日零点场一经上映,就取得1050万票房的好成绩,成为继《钢铁侠3》《复仇者联盟2》《美国队长3》之后第四部午夜场票房破千万的MCU电影。电影自全球上映以来,不仅口碑方面和同期上映的两部大片齐平,而且在观众打分层面更高一筹,爆米花指数90%,作为“2017最好看的超级英雄片”,成功俘获观众的芳心。如果大家还没来得及去看也没关系,因为可以用听的! As the spider man film series for the first time return marvel for the development of the story from "Captain America 3: Civil War" opened, spider man like and multiple heroes spent a summer camp, and then returned to the high school life. President Kevin Fitch said that this time, spider man's story more respect for the original,he was in the side of the union hero. This setting for spider man’fans are very fresh, because they can not only see the classic tribute fragments,but also see a new spider man story, the new understanding of "Spider Man" words, blood and two side. More importantly, this is a "15 year old spider", like the big screen in front of us, is a "young man" the superhero film, and his story let everyone feel perhaps a super hero is you. 作为蜘蛛侠系列电影首次回归漫威之作,故事的发展从《美国队长3:内战》开启,蜘蛛侠像和复联英雄一起度过了一个夏令营,而后又回到高中生活。漫威总裁凯文·费奇表示,这一次蜘蛛侠的故事更尊重原著,是他在复联英雄身边的故事。这样的设定,对于蜘蛛侠的忠实粉丝和新晋粉丝来说都非常“新鲜”,因为他们不仅能在故事中看到致敬经典的片段,还能看到一个全新的蜘蛛侠故事,认识新蜘蛛侠“热血、话痨、中二”的一面。更重要的是,这一次“15岁的蜘蛛侠”,就像大银幕前的我们一样,是一个看多了超级英雄片的小青年,而他的故事也让每个观众都感觉到也许下一个超级英雄就是你。 As early as the interview with male Tom Hrand, it was revealed that in addition to the iron man Robert Downey Jri, there would be captain Chris Evans of the United states. Michael Keeton, who once played Batman, gave the audience an unconventional villain in the film. Three super heroes to join, and the female artist in the film is also full of magnitude, not only the emergence of Robert Downey Jri's old partner Marisa Tomei, but also the iron man's "small pepper", Gwyeth Patru's wonderful return. Even for the "Spider Man" and "war dress" in the AI little sister dubbing, are Oscar winner Jennnifer Connelly, absolutely star studded. 男主汤姆·赫兰德之前的采访中,透露过电影中除了有钢铁侠小罗伯特·唐尼的出现,还会有美国队长克里斯·埃文斯的加盟。而曾经饰演过蝙蝠侠的迈克尔·基顿也在电影中为观众奉献了一个打破常规的超级反派。三位超级英雄的加盟,搭配小鲜肉男主的青春无限,绝对满足观众的肾上腺素。而片中的女艺人也是量级十足,不仅有小罗伯特·唐尼的老搭档玛丽莎·托梅的出现,还有钢铁侠的“小辣椒”,格温妮丝·帕特洛的精彩回归。连为蜘蛛侠战服中AI小姐姐配音的,都是奥斯卡得主詹妮弗·康纳利,绝对是星光熠熠。 This is a unique style of Spider Man movie, remove the superhero elements,give a person a kind of "youth smelling" feeling. Not only for the audience to see the "shadow of their own youth", but also through the spider man's growth process brought out a lot of positive energy, so that many parents, viewers have seen. And play outside the movies, spider man Tom Hrand also staged the whole process of a real dream come true, from a spider man fans to be playing spider man, ten years, finally reach a dream, really inspirational. 这一部画风清奇的蜘蛛侠电影,除去超级英雄的元素外,还带有约翰·修斯风格,给人一种“青春扑鼻”的感受。不仅让观众看到了“自己年轻时候的影子”,还通过蜘蛛侠的成长过程带出了浓浓的正能量,让不少父母观众看过之后纷纷表示“要带娃去”。而电影之外,蜘蛛侠的扮演者汤姆·赫兰德也真正上演了一出梦想成真的全过程,从一个蜘蛛侠的影迷,到成为蜘蛛侠的扮演者,十年历程,最后达成梦想,着实励志。Our Life:Electric Street 伦敦建了一条智能街道,逛街也能发电啦 导读:听完小编的介绍相信大家已经迫不及待的想去一睹为快了吧,看完电影逛逛街也是个非常不错的选择,爱逛街的大家知道小吃街哪家的小吃最美味,也知道购物街哪家的物品最实惠,步行街哪里的风景最好看,那你们知不知道哪条街的路是可以发电的呢?现在,就让我们一起今天的Our Life吧! London shoppers create electricity just by walking down a path installed by Pavegan on Bird Street. Shoppers crossing between Oxford Street and Barret Street can generate power with their footsteps thanks to a 10 sq m ‘pavegen walkway’. According to the london-based manufacturer its V3 panel can turn footsteps into 5W of continuous power, while capturing pedestrian-flow-metrics. This harvested kinetic energy will then be converted into electricity and will power street lamps and bluetooth transmitters for the London street. 帕维根公司在博尔德街修了一条可以发电的路,这条10平方米的“帕维根人行道”,穿过牛津街和巴雷特街的购物者就可以通过走路来发电。这家伦敦生产商表示,当捕捉到行人流量指数的时候,V3地砖就可以把踩踏力转化成5瓦持续电能。收集到的这种动能会转化成电能,为伦敦街道上的路灯和蓝牙传输器提供动力。 Pavegan’s panels allows shoppers pacing down bird street to see just how much electricity their footsteps are producing via a smartphone, and they might possibly find themselves being rewarded. Audio speakers placed along the path will enhance the sense of calm by playing bird sounds activated by people walking on the panels. 帕维根公司的地砖使购物者在走过博尔德街的时候可以通过智能手机看到自己走路能产生多少电能,而且他们可能还会发现自己得到了奖励。人们踩上这些地砖就会激活路边放置的扬声器而发出鸟鸣声,凸显平静感。 Transport for London’s Alex Williams said,‘It’s great to see innovative smart street’ scheme delivered on Bird Street, the concepts of which could easily be adapted across London, we can see further examples of this innovative 21st century thinking in the future as we work to transform Oxford Street and the surrounding area to make it a world-class public space for all.’ 伦敦交通局的亚力克斯·威廉姆斯表示,在博尔德街上看到这种创新性的‘智能街’真是太棒了。这种概念轻易就可以应用到整个伦敦,英国政府也可以致力于把牛津街和周边地区改造成服务于所有人的世界级公共场所。他也希望未来可以看到更多这种21世纪创新性思维的范例。Follow Me:Tips for tipping around the world 所不知道的事:全世界小费指南 导读:其实小编不建议大家长时间的玩游戏,做低头族,要多出去走走,感受世界的美妙还有自然的神奇,漂流,野外烧烤,晨起登山,许许多多的户外活动可以丰富我们的假期,当然,有条件的小伙伴们还可以去旅游,有句话说得好“世界那么大,我想去看看”。当然了,出门在外入乡随俗是很重要的,在国外给小费这件事情上就有很多的不同哦,一起去了解吧! Knowing where and who to tip in different countries can be something of a social minefield.But travel search site Wego has now constructed an easy-to-follow infographic revealing where and when to tip when travelling abroad. 在世界不同的国家,给小费是一门学问。最近旅行搜寻网站Wego给出了一个简单的信息图标,让游客们知道去国外旅行时应该什么时候给小费以及哪些地方可以给小费。 非常感谢您的倾听,我们这期的英语世界就要与您说再见了。如果你有好的英语资讯想和我们分享,那就关注我们的官方微博,上新浪和腾讯微博、百度贴吧和凯里学院广播电视台吧,搜索凯里学院广播电视台。 在余晖西落之时,我们的节目最后,感谢本期主编廖卓,编辑陈瑞叶,导播周江萍,网编李广菊,我是唐瑶,我是廖卓。我们下期再相约。
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