

2017-12-18    30'23''

主播: 凯院TV

7852 363

The World Of English 第20171218期 ————————Nick Carter&Avril Lavigne——————— Chances Must Be Grasped By Ourselves Fates Must Be Controlled By Ourselves Now,Smile...... Good afternoon,everyone. Here is the campus radio, the world of English program. I am your friend.... ———————————Alan Walker—————————— Out look : The Harry Potter sequel ! 伏地魔还能怀孕?AI脑洞大开,续写了《哈利波特》! 导读:亲爱的小伙伴们~大家下午好!这里依然是每双周都准时守候着大家的《英语世界》。随着天气的渐渐寒冷,圣诞节离我们也越来越近了,高大闪耀的圣诞树,橱窗里五颜六色的糖果,还有驾着驯鹿帮我们实现愿望的圣诞老人,这一切都是如此的精致美妙。小编真的好想坐着施了魔法的马车去一睹这盛大的节日的精彩面貌,想要拥有魔法是不是要去霍格沃茨魔法学校学习一下呢?也不知哈利波特最近过的怎么样了,听说啊魔法世界里出现了好多惊喜与不可思议的大事件哦!接下来就一起进入今天的Out look去看看吧! Harry Potter fans who have already finished reading. The Cursed Child and A Journey Through the History of Magic from the past two years have a new chapter in the story of the wizarding, boy to tide them over, one brought to us not by J.K. Rowling, but by AI-generated text prediction. 近两年来,哈利波特的粉丝们一定都熟读了《被诅咒的孩子》和《魔法史之旅》这两部经典作品,不过现在啊,他们又有了关于魔法男孩的新故事。但这一次作者不再是JK·罗琳啦,而是人工智能文本预测机器人。 Botnik Studios created the three-page chapter, titled “Harry Potter and the Portrait of What Looked Like a Large Pile of Ash,” after training an algorithmic tool on all seven of the children's fantasy novels. The end result is a tale with a plot that feels soulless and meandering but like any good fanfiction, still holds a faint imprint of Rowling’s usual lilting whimsical charm. Botnik Studios 工作室根据前七部哈利波特设计了一项特殊的算法工具,创作出了整整三页故事,命名为“哈利波特与大团灰尘疑似图”。虽然这个故事读起来没有灵魂,而且让人感觉格外曲折,但还是能在这类同人小说中感受到JK·罗琳欢快、奇特的风格。 The aforementioned Harry Potter excerpt was constructed with the help of multiple writers, who helped construct the sentence through a combination of algorithmic suggestion and authorial discretion. As a result, the chapter reads not like the usual word salad of text prediction, but like unusually inventive fanfiction. “The castle grounds snarled with a wave of magically magnified wind,” it begins. “The sky outside was a great black ceiling, which was full of blood.” 在上面我们提到的哈利波特节选内容其实是由诸多作家合作完成的,他们在算法的建议下重新组合句子,或是使用当代作家的审慎来完成故事。因此,故事读起来就不太像平常说的话,而是富有创造性的奇特同人小说了。在故事的开头是这样写道的:风受到魔力驱使,逐渐加强风力,城堡地表开始啸叫。城堡外,天空变成了黑漆漆的顶,鲜血四溢。这样的描写是不是会让身为读者的你倍感新奇呢? There are plenty of Harry Potter fanfics that explore outlandish scenarios— those featuring a pregnant Voldemort, for instance — and ones of impressive quality. Fanfiction is often used as a stepping stone for writers to get comfortable with language and worldbuilding. The process used by Botnik, which the company refers to as “collaborating with machines,” mixes the creativity of dozens of humans with the absurdity of machines trying to imitate us, and the result is sometimes, dare I say it, magical. 在此之前,有不少哈利波特同人小说情节奇异,比如身怀六甲的伏地魔等,这些奇异的故事水平还都略显颇高。同人小说是作家用来搭建语言和故事的垫脚石。Botnik Studios 工作室选择与和程序合作,将许多人的创造力和机器的荒诞结合起来,模仿人类,不得不说,有时候确实还挺神奇的。 —————————The Chainsmokers————————— TV Time:Star Wars: The Last Jedi bring more fun 好莱坞科幻大片:《星球大战8:最后的绝地武士》 导读:我们的魔法妈妈JK·罗琳给我们带来了如此精彩的魔法故事,现在又有这样奇特的同人小说,哈利波特的粉丝们真的是福利诸多啊!不仅能在书海里遨游魔法世界,同样《哈利波特》也有真人版的电影系列~说到电影,在这个月的15号,好莱坞科幻大片《星球大战8:最后的绝地武士》隆重上映,相信“星战”迷们早就已经看过精彩的预告片了。与前几部《星战》相比,《星战8》的剧情反转得那个叫“山路十八弯”啊!让你绝对猜不到下一个情节是什么。还没看过的小伙伴不要着急哦,今天的TV Time小编就来给大家剧透啦!
上一期: 文学之旅
下一期: 音乐城堡专场