There's one trait that I continuously find myself coming back to when it comes to dating: inspiration. There's one thing I need from you—one thing I really, truly value: I need you to inspire me.
Inspiration is in its simplest form, really. I want you to inspire me to be a better person. To push myself—in my career, in my education, in my beliefs, culture, and values. I want you to inspire me to try things I always said I wouldn't. To read books I never thought I'd like, to go to a place I never wanted to visit, to eat a food I always swore off. I want you to inspire me to be better. Every day. Because although self-motivation is important, sometimes our steam just runs out. Sometimes we need a person running alongside us, telling us we can keep going, that we can cross that finish line.
传递正能量,再简单不过。我希望你激励我成为更好的人:无论在事业、教育,还是信仰、文化和价值观上,都不断推动自己向前。我希望你鼓励我去尝试我总说不 想尝试的各种事情:去阅读我从不认为自己愿意涉猎的书籍,去造访那些我未曾想去的地方,去品尝我总是忌讳的食物。我希望受到你的激励,让自己变得一天比一 天好,因为尽管自我激励很重要,但我们有时也会精疲力竭。有时,我们需要一个人在身边陪跑,为我们助威加油,鼓励我们坚持跑过终点线。
And I want to inspire you, too. I want to be able to push you. To stretch your limits and make you step outside of your comfort zone. Because inspiration is like a weed when you have the right amount. It grows wildly and quickly, and spreads throughout the surface. When it works, when it really works, we feed off of each other. We make each other better. We consistently try new things and pursue higher heights. That's inspirational.
Inspiration makes us better. Inspiration makes us want to do something. It moves our emotions, our intellect, our behavior. And is that not what every relationship needs? We need to be influenced to feel happiness and love, influenced to deeply care for someone other than ourselves, influenced to better ourselves while we better those around us. Quite frankly, that sounds pretty healthy to me.
So that's all I want. And it encompasses so very, very, much, that one little word. Inspiration. 11 letters, 4 syllables, and a different meaning for every person walking this earth. But there's someone out there—maybe you've already found them or maybe you're still looking—but there's someone walking around with a bottle of inspiration ready to swirl and mix with your own. To create that perfect recipe that leaves us with a sweet taste in our mouth and a warm feeling in our heart.
Fill your jar. Screw that lid on tight. And unleash that beauty when you're good and ready.